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Knowledge checklist tracker for Black Desert Online - BDO

Adventure Journal
Journal of the Great Ocean
The Golden Age of the Papus (1 Energy) (25 knowledge)

1A Site to Pray for a Brother (Can be obtained through [Quest]A young Papu once had a brother, but he fell due to an accident, yet the young Papu still believes his brother is alive. Where could have this story come from? Find out at Panipani Village.)
2Wrecked Boat (Can be obtained through [Quest]There is a broken boat on the shores of Papuraora Island. Did the Papus burn it down? Meet with the Papus at Panipani Village.)
3Most Beautiful Flower on Papuraora (Can be obtained through [Interaction]What could be the most beautiful flower of all of Papuraora? Seek for the flower.)
4Puramis Rock (Can be obtained through [Quest]They say there's a rock in Panipani Village that looks very similar to the Papunini. Check it out.)
5Puraus (Can be obtained through [Interaction]Just as humans live in houses, so do Papus. What are Papu homes called? Visit a few to find out.)
6Abiding-place (Can be obtained through [Interaction]The Empress Papuraora is said to have her own private quarters. Yet according to Papus who've witnessed the place, there is something interesting about it. Where could it be?)
7Symbol of Fruit (Can be obtained through [Interaction]Even thinking about it is interesting. How did the Papus make this flag? Examine it closely.)
8Ocean's Grace (Can be obtained through [Interaction]Papuraora's roads are paved with streetlight-looking objects. What could they be?)
9Papuing from Scratch (Can be obtained through [Interaction]They say there is a place in Papuraora where a large operation is under way. At that scale, there should be an important reason. Head over there.)
10Puccup Water (Can be obtained through [Quest]They say Lentto has restricted items in his repository. Why were they banned? Go meet Lentto.)
11Papu Cafeteria (Can be obtained through [Interaction]Young Papus are growing up in Panipani Village. I hear there's a cafeteria just for the young. Where could it be?)
12Papu Art Piece (Can be obtained through [Interaction]Barricades were made to keep the enemy out. However, they say there's one that wasn't used for that purpose€¦)
13Octopapu Memorial Stone (Can be obtained through [Interaction]Before they discovered the Papunini, there was a stone beloved by all. Nowadays, no one bothers to pay their respects to this stone, which I hear lies near Papunini somewhere€¦)
14Someone's Fish Storage (Can be obtained through [Interaction]They say there's a storage for fish in the rear parts of Papuraora Island. What do they mean by Papu Island's Fish Storage?)
15Papurapurapura (Can be obtained through [Interaction]They say a weird noise can be heard from where the fruit soldiers are gathered. It sounds like a chant. Go check it out.)
16Heaven's Gift (Can be obtained through [Interaction]There's a place that used to be used as a place to store fruit, but had a recent name change. They say it's near the shore where many Papus live. Where could it be?)
17Best Flower (Can be obtained through [Interaction]There is a house regarded by all Papus as the best house. Check out the surroundings, and try to find the house.)
18Shell Necklace (Can be obtained through [Interaction]They say the Empress Papuraora has been gifted tons of this kind of item. Check out the private quarters of the empress.)
19Purupuru Jail (Can be obtained through [Quest]They say there's a place on Papuraora to imprison suspicious Papus. There's apparently also a jailkeeper in charge of all such Papus. Go take a look.)
20Fruit Post (Can be obtained through [Quest]They say there are a few abandoned posts scattered around Papuraora Island. Find the reason why by checking out some of the more important-looking ones.)
21Double Pu Stone Statue (Can be obtained through [Interaction]There's a place in Papuraora where two Papus claim one statue. Go seek out this statue.)
22Supabua Memorial Stone (Can be obtained through [Interaction]It seems there are memorial stones in several locations, placed in the hopes and wishes for the safe growth of the Papunini fruit. Go look for these stones scattered around Papuraora.)
23Porong Flower Garden (Can be obtained through [Quest]One of the things most favored by Papus is said to be a place to grow flowers. They've grown a good variety of them so ask the Papus on how to get there.)
24Papunini (Can be obtained through [Quest]With the Lamute Gang's aid, infiltrate into and explore Papuraora Island!)
25Kokakong (Can be obtained through [Amity]What's the story behind the crawfish on which the Papu empress Papuraora rides on? Gain the trust of Papuraora to learn more.)

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