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ALL World Life Combat Fishing Titles List

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194 Shown
AAAAAAAAAHWorldFail to enhance 180 items
152... 254... I cant count anymore. Im beginning to feel dizzy.
Aads PharosWorldComplete Witch Awakening Quest
At last, star of Labreve is here--deep inside, Aads Pharos is near.
Acknowledged By AllWorldReach 67 Total Contribution Points
I feel good when I help others. This is the path Ive chosen.
AdventurerWorldDiscover 30 Locations (Topography/Ecology/Adventure Journal Knowledge)
Do I look like a real adventurer now?
All of MeWorldAwarded with the purchase of Heidel Masquerade Set
On this beautiful, glistening day, you are the only one who could have All of Me.
Almost Every ScholarWorldAchieve 2300 pieces of knowledge (All categories)
Being a scholar in a single field is boring. Ive already learned it all. If I had to give myself a title, Id call myself the Scholar of Everything.
Alright!WorldSuccessfully enhance 100 items
A successful enhancement once again. Yes!
Ancient Civilization GuardianWorld
I gained new power according to Atosas advice as a guardian of ancient civilization.
Ancient Fissure GuardianWorldComplete Quest The Bautt Protection
Ain Greid, the Dwarf chief and protector of the Ancient Fissure, has appointed me as an Ancient Fissure Guardian.
And the oscar goes to...WorldLaunch Event And the oscar goes to (March 3-31)
Im kind of a big deal
Are you looking at me?!WorldCBT Beauty and Beast Contest Event
Are you looking at me?!
Ask Me AnythingWorldGain Knowledge of 450-480 People (Character Knowledge)
I only know what I know and nothing else. Ill tell you what I know.
Balenos is mine!World
To the first conqueror of Balenos in Conquest War.
Bandit Punitive Force CaptainWorldComplete Quest Destroying the Bandit Base
There is no need to understand Biraghis past. Theyre all just a bunch of lowly thieves now.
BardWorldAchieve 600 pieces of knowledge (All categories)
A knowledgeable traveler with tales of adventure and combat... You should consider becoming a bard.
Best of the VirtuousWorldReach 112 Total Contribution Points
When you need me, Ill find a way to be with you no matter where you are.
Beyond the SupremeWorldReach Level 55
Supreme Ruler? What a joke. The people enthralled by that childish banter... Let them be...
Black Desert LighthouseWorldDiscover 600 Locations (Topography/Ecology/Adventure Journal Knowledge)
I have an eye that can reveal everything. The darkness means nothing to me.
Black Spirits FriendWorldSuccessfully enhance 50 items
I used to feel awkward around you...
Black Stone DonatorWorldFail to enhance x items
If I had a quarter every time I used a Black Stone, Id be able to buy Calpheon and Valencia.
Black Stone IllusionistWorldFail to enhance 155 items
See this Black Stone in my hands? Im gonna make it disappear like magic!
Blinded by LoveWorldSuccessfully enhance 130 items
At first I thought the Black Spirit was kind of ugly. Not anymore. Youre the most beautiful creature on earth.
Book FanaticWorldAchieve 700 pieces of knowledge (All categories)
I dont need a jar of honey. Knowledge is sweeter than honey can be and its contained within books.
Bounty HunterWorldComplete Quest [CO-OP] Prize Hunt
Its still a bit complicated, but I think I finally understand the situation in Heidel.
Breakthrough DUO NodeWorld
Breakthrough DUO Node
Breakthrough PEN NodeWorld
Breakthrough PEN Node
Breakthrough PRI NodeWorld
Breakthrough PRI Node
Breakthrough TET NodeWorld
Breakthrough TET Node
Breakthrough TRI NodeWorld
Breakthrough TRI Node
Brighter Than The SunWorldAchieve 2500 pieces of knowledge (All categories)
Its not enough to call me a human. I want to be the sun.
Broke up with the Black SpiritWorldFail to enhance x items
If I see that bastard again, Ill go berserk!
Brother of GoyenWorldComplete Warrior Awakening Quest
It proves your brotherhood in Goyen Mercenary Company, which was once the best mercenary company in the world.
Burn OutWorld
Burn out at the beer festival!
Calpheon Castle is mine!World
To the first conqueror of Calpheon in Conquest War.
Calpheon Guardian AngelWorldComplete Quest Kristinas Request
Corruption of the republic, disparity of social status, and the slums... My hand is always extended to the poor.
Cartians DescendantsWorldComplete Sorceress Awakening Quest
Immortality shall be granted upon you, the legend of Tarif.
Choir SupporterWorldComplete Quest Seeking Support From Nobility
A good deed thats protected the choirs Hot Passion and Good Heart!
CliffhangerWorldReach Level 11
Its a big world with a lot of things going on. I cant really know for sure, but Ill find my way.
ConfidentWorldSuccessfully Enchant 7 items in a row
Whats this? Im feeling a little more confident?
Conqueror of BalenosWorldGiven to members of the guild that held Balenos in the final pre-merge siege
To the last conqueror of Balenos in Conquest War.
Conqueror of CalpheonWorldGiven to members of the guild that held Calpheon in the final pre-merge siege
To the last conqueror of Calpheon in Conquest War.
Conqueror of MediahWorldGiven to members of the guild that held Mediah in the final pre-merge siege
To the last conqueror of Mediah in Conquest War.
Conqueror of SerendiaWorldGiven to members of the guild that held Serendia in the final pre-merge siege
To the last conqueror of Serendia in Conquest War.
Conqueror of ValenciaWorldGiven to members of the guild that held Valencia in the final pre-merge siege
To the last conqueror of Valencia in Conquest War.
Consoler of the MourningWorldComplete Quest Report to Allan Serbin
Those who couldnt die honorably. Understanding their unspeakable sorrow will console them.
Contract Revision RequiredWorldFail to enhance 50 items
You said something about a contract as soon as I woke up... Is this what its like?
Cooperator of Bareeds IIIWorldComplete Quest Royal Insignia Taken by Shen
Ive become an ally of Bareeds III, the last prince of Mediah. I hope he compensates me in the future...
Daily StudentWorldAchieve 400 pieces of knowledge (All categories)
Given the chance to learn, Id rather study than eat.
Dark ChaserWorldComplete Quest Elric Monastery Report
Tantu, the Giant chief and protector of the Mausoleum, has appointed me as a Dark Chaser.
Dedicated VolunteerWorldReach 21 Total Contribution Points
Even if my contribution isnt recognized, Ill put my life on the line.
DepressedWorldFail to enchant 7 items
These things do happen. Its not a big deal, but it is a little sad...
Desert GuideWorldDiscover 425 Locations (Topography/Ecology/Adventure Journal Knowledge)
I become their eyes and feet. This is truly a meaningful life.
Destroyer of DreamsWorldAwarded to the first 100 to finish awakening quest for their class
The sweet slumber is over.
Didnt Even Break a SweatWorldSucessfully enhance 25 items
Becoming stronger is nothing to me!
Digging for TreasureWorld
Successfully dug for treasure in the desert.
DistinguishedWorldAchieve 1800 pieces of knowledge (All categories)
Acting like I know everything isnt a sin. Why? Because I actually do.
Double SpyWorldComplete Quest Truth Never Sinks
Sociable, charming, eloquent. Im the best kind of spy.
Doubting the Black SpiritWorldFail to enhance x items
I think the Black Spirit is hoarding Black Stones behind my back. Did it need something?
Eager to LearnWorldAchieve 800 pieces of knowledge (All categories)
I want to know so much more. What could be the basis for it? Im still so very hungry.
Early BirdWorldAwarded to people who preordered the game
Early Bird
Edanas DescendantWorldComplete Quest Secret Revealed
Im getting the gist of who I really am. One thing for certain is that Im a descendant of Edana.
Elions BlessedWorldSuccessfully Enchant 10 items in a row
Cant anybody else do this? Hahaha!
Embraced by Black SpiritWorldFail to enhance x items
Why do you keep hurting me? Ive given you everything. Why do you keep making me cry?
Embraced by EvilWorldComplete Quest [CO-OP] Raid
Evil is permeating inside my body. Not too bad.
Enhance-ologistWorldSuccessfully enhance 180 items
If you really put your mind to enhancing something, the whole universe will help.
Enhancement BlunderWorldFail to enhance 100 items
Elion, Aal, Kzarka... Please... Oh, god! Failure, again!
Enhancement Failure For DummiesWorldFail to enhance 130 items
Croxus from Olvia called for me one day and introduced me to the kids this way.
Enlightened of the KamasilveWorldComplete Quest Embodiment of Black Energy
Ive been enlightened of the Kamasilvian Ritual.
Everything According to PlanWorldFail to enhance x items
You thought I wanted a successful enhancement? Wrong! I was planning to fail.
Expert at EverythingWorldAchieve 2000 pieces of knowledge (All categories)
Its not enough to be recognized as an expert in only one field. Im an expert at everything!
ExplorerWorldDiscover 250 Locations (Topography/Ecology/Adventure Journal Knowledge)
The darkness gradually disappears and small lamps light the way.
Exploring Down BelowWorld
To you who have explored the mysterious underwater ruins..
Explosive PotentialWorldSuccessfully enhance 155 items
When did you realize that my armor is more than just the property of someone famous?
Father of SuccessWorldFail to enhance x items
Failure is the father to success! Ill be stronger through these hardships!
Flower in WinterWorldComplete Maehwa Awakening Quest
Finally answered to the calling of the Blue Flame after overcoming class and bias.
Friend of AnnolisaWorldAchieve 1000 pieces of knowledge (All categories)
Annolisa Rosie prefers books over men... I think I can understand why. Thank you, friend.
Friend of the TinyasWorldComplete Quest Tinyas Trust
Neffy is waiting for her brother Horio, who was taken to the Abandoned Iron Mine. I hope theyll meet in Altinova.
Full of SpiritWorldReach Level 51
Nobody will be my equal. Everyone should kneel before me!
Gentle Like MoonlightWorldAchieve 2400 pieces of knowledge (All categories)
Now Im even more precious than the soft glow of the moonlight.
Getting Treated EverywhereWorldReach 220 Total Contribution Points
Ive been pretty grateful for my meals lately. Ive been saying things like thank you.
Giant LeapWorldComplete Berserker Awakening Quest
A Giant in search of the land of prosperity awakens a new invention, Iron Buster.
GladiusWorldRecieved by participating in a fan-organized tournament
As a reward for your valor in one of the Black Desert fan-organized tournaments, you have been awarded the title of Gladius.
Gode-Ayed TierWorldComplete Wizard Awakening Quest
The best of the Gode-Ayed Tier returns.
Good CommunicatorWorldGain Knowledge of 80 People (Character Knowledge)
Knowledge is power. I wont be the one lacking common knowledge.
Great WarriorWorldComplete Quest Torrenandus Declaration of War
I confronted and helped the Bashims, the warrior tribe. That makes me a great warrior.
Guardian of the Narusawa HouseWorldComplete Ninja Awakening Quest
A title for Halloween
Hard WorkerWorldReach Level 42
Nobody will be able to doubt my skills now. Just a little bit more to go!
Hated by the Dark SpiritWorldFail to enchant 10 items
Helping HandWorldReach 5 Total Contribution Points
I feel the warmth of volunteer work. Its not easy, but it sure is rewarding!
Hero of KeplanWorldComplete Quest Keplan, Free of Threats
Ive protected Keplan from a huge threat by eliminated the Giants. Its nice to be called a hero for a while.
Hero of the Marine KnightsWorldComplete Quest Trophy Report
The hope and savior of Calpheons Trina Marine Knights.
Highly KnowledgeableWorldAchieve 200 pieces of knowledge (All categories)
Now that Ive learned so much, I shouldnt have a hard time talking to anyone.
History-MakingWorldAchieve 2700 pieces of knowledge (All categories)
History is recorded. My existence should be recorded with it.
Holder of the Kalis MedalWorldReach 180 Total Contribution Points
I received a medal from the Kalis Parliament of Calpheon in recognition of my contributions.
Hope of PeasantsWorldComplete Quest Al Rhundi, Hero of the Peasants
I think I understand enough about Al Rhundis rebellion. I think highly of their pride.
How much?WorldFail to enhance 25 items
Enhancements? Dont make me laugh. Ill pay you money for it! How much? Shut up and take my money!
Human EncyclopediaWorldGain Knowledge of x People (Character Knowledge)
Watch and listen and you will learn.
I can show you the worldWorldComplete quest Desert Traveler (limited)
Desert, adventure, and Valencia.
I like to move it, move it!WorldLaunch Event Get movin! (March 3-22)
Event Reward: Get movin!
Icy GlareWorldComplete Quest Keplan Status Report
Keplan is afflicted with a petrifying disease, but the lord doesnt want that secret to be revealed.
Incarnation of RevengeWorldComplete Quest Brorums Revenge
I hope that Brorum from Tarif is able to take revenge for his wife.
Is This THE City?WorldComplete Quest In Search of Valencia City
I arrived at Valencia City after crossing the Great Desert. So, is this the city?
Joyful ContributorWorldReach 34 Total Contribution Points
Haha, the villagers wont let me leave. They just keep giving me food.
Katan MercenaryWorldComplete Quest Join the Katan Military
I joined the Katan Army to help Prince Barhan. Im only a mercenary now, but no complainin.
Kayals Right-Hand ManWorldComplete Quest Missed Face
After listening to Kayal Nessers story, I became his right-hand man.
Khuruto SubjugatorWorldComplete Quest Supporting the Hostage Rescue Force
Ive succeeded in subduing the Khuruto with the help of Karcenov and Elgriffin.
Know-It-AllWorldAchieve 1500 pieces of knowledge (All categories)
Silly! You didnt even know that? I know everything!
Legacy of KnowledgeWorldAchieve 2600 pieces of knowledge (All categories)
Ill leave a legacy of knowledge to my children.
LevelheadedWorldGain Knowledge of x People (Character Knowledge)
Requirements to get this title are unknown. Please, help us to fill in the missing info!
LibrarianWorldAchieve 2200 pieces of knowledge (All categories)
Now Im more qualified than Annolisa to be a librarian at the Valkyrie Academy.
Lords TrustedWorldReach 79 Total Contribution Points
The lords of the territories greet me. I know exactly what they need.
Master BaiterWorldParticipated in CBT2 fishing event
Master Baiter
Mediah Castle is mine!World
To the first conqueror of Mediah in Conquest War.
Mentally TranscendedWorldAchieve 2800 pieces of knowledge (All categories)
The worlds greatest philosopher.
Messenger of LoveWorldComplete Quest Fools Hope
Its difficult for me, but it looks easy when others do it. Oh well, Ill just be the exciting messenger of love.
More Knowledgeable Than YouWorldAchieve 500 pieces of knowledge (All categories)
Pfft. Can someone like you even begin to understand what I know?
Mother of SuccessWorldFail to enhance x items
Failure is the mother to success! Ill be stronger through these hardships!
A special day to show your Mother some love.
NetworkerWorldAchieve 1700 pieces of knowledge (All categories)
Theres not a single person who doesnt know me.
No LifeWorldReach Level 53
Wandering forever, whether its day or night. This is my world and my destiny.
No Mercy!World
No Mercy!
Noble SavageWorldAchieve 300 pieces of knowledge (All categories)
Ive accepted civilization. I dont have a trace of savagery left in me.
Node VeteranWorld
For the guild who won 2 node wars...
October FestWorld
A title for October Fest
Officially GoodWorldReach 85 Total Contribution Points
Good. Im not quite the good kind of person... Ahem... We all do whats best for ourselves, right?
On the VIP ListWorldReach 250 Total Contribution Points
Nothing can replace me. Wherever I go, my fans will follow. Everybody knows who I am. Im a superstar.
One for all, and all for oneWorld
United we stand, divided we fall.
Only at the tip of LanciaWorldComplete Valkyrie Awakening Quest
Justice in your hand, Elion in your heart, and the scale of ideology only at the tip of Lancia.
Palm Forest BoyWorldComplete Quest Palm Forest Boy XII
Read the story of Palm Forest Boy, one of the many Valencian folk stories.
Passed Margarets TestWorldComplete Quest Margarets Test #2
Theres a reason that harpies attack. Thats the main point of Margarets test.
PioneerWorldDiscover 360 Locations (Topography/Ecology/Adventure Journal Knowledge)
I feel like Im blazing my own trails now... Not a bad feeling.
Poverty in AbundanceWorldReach 150 Total Contribution Points
It seems like a lot, but Im still poor. More... I need more.
Power to ProcessWorldReach Level 50
The strength Ive acquired is truly something to fear. Ill dominate this world.
Preacher of SelfismWorldReach Level 52
Now I have my own devoted followers. Im an influential figure in this world. Thats right, me.
PRI DUO TRI TET PENWorldSuccessfully enhance 260 items
Every road leads to one. Every equipment must travel down one, as well.
PRI DUO... What?WorldSuccessfully enhance 501 items
I thought the enhancement was over, but I guess its far from it.
Princess of the Fallen KingdomWorldComplete Tamer Awakening Quest
A descendant of the forgotten dynasty, awakened by the sacred beast.
Problematic FigureWorldComplete Quest Knowledge Battle with Hailey #10
Whatever your problem is, just bring it to me. All of them.
Quick-WittedWorldAchieve 1600 pieces of knowledge (All categories)
Reading books all day has improved my mental dexterity.
Really Understood HeidelWorldComplete Quest Understanding the Politics of Heidel
Its still a bit complicated, but I think I finally understand the situation in Heidel.
Recognized By AllWorldReach 51 Total Contribution Points
It seems like the other adventurers recognize me, too.
Rookie AdventurerWorldDiscover 10 Locations (Topography/Ecology/Adventure Journal Knowledge)
I feel like Ive only scratched the surface.
Rookie ExplorerWorldDiscover 50 Locations (Topography/Ecology/Adventure Journal Knowledge)
No more adventures. Im walking my own path now.
Ruins GuideWorldComplete Quest Surveying the Excavation Site
After all that time spent at the Ruins Excavation Site, I think I could be a guide at the Ruins Excavation Site.
Ruins Worker AssistantWorldComplete Quest Worker Training: Bully
I gave mental training to Ron, Totenun and Bully, the new workers at the Ruins Excavation Site.
Run, Kuno-Chan, Run!WorldComplete Kunoichi Awakening Quest
The last survivor of the Oeki clan. Dreaming of the day to take my revenge on the Sonan clan...
SageWorldAchieve 3001 Knowledge (All Categories)
Water is water. I live like flowing water.
SaintWorldGain Knowledge of 645 People (Character Knowledge)
Whats so difficult about enlightenment?
Satisfactory RevengeWorldComplete Quest Clean Revenge
Successfully revenged upon the two guys who have been hassling me.
Saw Donatts JournalWorldComplete Quest Donatts Will
The tragic name of Donatt... I think I understand Glish, the town that used to be called the Twin Villages.
Seasonal SensationWorldAwarded to winners of the 2016 Calender Event
Seasons come and go, heroes are forever
Seeker of KnowledgeWorldAchieve 40 knowledge (All Categories)
Youve only begun to search for knowledge. The journey ahead is a long one.
Senior in NodeWorld
For the guild who won a node war for the first time...
Serendia is mine!World
To the first conqueror of Serendia in Conquest War.
Shaking HeadWorldFail to enhance x items
This is nothing for me... I can overcome greater obstacles than this.
Sincere ContributorWorldReach 10 Total Contribution Points
The villagers believe in me. I cant let them down!
Skilled AdventurerWorldDiscover 25 Locations (Topography/Ecology/Adventure Journal Knowledge)
Theres a reward for hard work. Lets go into the darkness!
Skilled ExplorerWorldDiscover 130 Locations (Topography/Ecology/Adventure Journal Knowledge)
Ive met many people during my travels. I wonder if theyve traveled as much as I have?
Smart and SexyWorldComplete Quest Knowledge Battle with Hailey #21
The knowledge was the easiest. The studying was the easiest. The quizzes were the easiest.
Social ButterflyWorldComplete Quest Head of the Batians
Im starting to know the nobles of Calpheon by talking about Elionism.
Soldier of FortuneWorldAchieve 1300 pieces of knowledge (All categories)
Is combat skill absolutely necessary? Im a soldier of knowledge!
SophisticatedWorldAchieve 150 pieces of knowledge (All categories)
I can finally talk with someone of social stature, not just commoners.
Sorry for Being SmartWorldAchieve 1200 pieces of knowledge (All categories)
Some people are jealous of me. If being smart is a sin, Ill accept the punishment.
Sparkle SparkleWorldSuccessfully enhance 205 items
My equipment sparkles. Fantastic. Hey, dont stare at it like that.
Special Force CommanderWorld
For your excellent performance in the Conquest (Siege) War.
A title for St.Nicholas
Its a beer kind of day. The earth is spinning a lot today.
Steel-WingedWorldSuccessfully enhance 230 items
Lets scream loud enough to break through the enhancement level.
Still DifficultWorldAchieve 75 knowledge (All Categories)
Youre still small compared to vast amount of knowledge. You need to push through the difficult times.
For your invaluable efforts in the Conquest(Siege) War.
Studied AbroadWorldAchieve 1900 pieces of knowledge (All categories)
Ive been to Serendia and Calpheon... What? Ive studied abroad. Is there a problem with that?
StudiousWorldAchieve 1400 pieces of knowledge (All categories)
Im on fire now. My hunger for knowledge is making me feel hot.
Supreme RulerWorldReach Level 54
The one who doesnt know me... will teach... my power...
SwagWorldAchieve 900 pieces of knowledge (All categories)
So you cant handle my smarts? If you dont like it, go study!
Territorially AcknowledgedWorldReach 44 Total Contribution Points
The residents in each territory are talking about me! Oh my, Im so embarrassed.
A title for Thanksgiving
The AwakenedWorldComplete Quest [Co-op] Awakened Black Spirit
I was finally able to control the Black Spirit. Now I can do what I want in the world.
The Main AttractionWorld
So I worked this awesome cosplay... and all I got was this title.
ToplinerWorldRecieved by gifting the game to a friend
How generous I am.
TrailblazerWorldReach Level 24
What to do, what to do? Im traveling the world to find my own way.
Trapped in KnowledgeWorldAchieve 1100 pieces of knowledge (All categories)
I cant give up yet. My thirst for knowledge wont let me go.
TriathleteWorldCBT2 Event: The Triathlon
Early Bird
Troll Defense ContributorWorldComplete Quest Calpheon Military Representative
I managed to stop the attack of the ancient trolls, the work of Jordine and Belmorn. Those fiends.
Ultimate WeaponWorld
For your best performance in the Conquest (Siege) War.
Valencia Castle is mine!World
To the first conqueror of Valencia in Conquest War.
We are familyWorld
I got all my sisters with me.
Western FrontiersWorldComplete Musa Awakening Quest
The best Musa in the Orient, thats me.
Why dont you give it a try? Its Node War!World
So what if I dont have my own node? Or my own castle? I enjoyed myself, at least.
Wind RunnerWorldReach 130 Total Contribution Points
If theres any way I can contribute to the city, Ill do my best to keep going.
WiseWorldAchieve 2100 pieces of knowledge (All categories)
People told me to be wise. Theyre finally starting to recognize that I am.
Witnessed the Resurrection of BelmornWorldComplete Quest Find Edans Party
The resurrection of Belmorn, the Monarch of Darkness. Edan is hurt. I need to find him right away.
Worldly LearnerWorldReach Level 36
Im departing on a journey to uncover the truth of this world. There are so many things I can do.
Young Tree SistersWorldComplete Ranger Awakening Quest
The descendant of the departed goddess gains the promised power.

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