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All Favored Foe locations for Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms



Type Campaign↕️ Location↕️ Adventure↕️ Waves↕️ Bosses↕️
MeleeGrand TourCandlekeepHeatwave508
UndeadGrand TourCandlekeepVecna Loots!509
MeleeGrand TourAraumycosThe Cult of Lolth499
MeleeGrand TourCandlekeepVecna Loots!487
MeleeGrand TourCandlekeepReturn to the Tomb479
MeleeGrand TourAraumycosThe Madness of Zuggtmoy479
BeastGrand TourWayside InnBeast Intentions451
MeleeGrand TourMenzoberranzanThe Demon Lords of the Abyss450
MeleeGrand TourCandlekeepVecna Lives!445
UndeadGrand TourCandlekeepVecna Lives!418
HumanoidGrand TourVelkynvelveThe Prison of Velkynvelve406
FlyingGrand TourWayside InnThe Mad Wizard391
HumanoidGrand TourLurkwoodOrcs Are Wild384
DrowGrand TourVelkynvelveThe Prison of Velkynvelve374
HumanoidGrand TourAraumycosThe Cult of Lolth366
DemonGrand TourMenzoberranzanThe Demon Lords of the Abyss360
HumanoidGrand TourMantol-DerithEncroaching Madness365
HumanoidGrand TourVelkynvelveNeutral No More355
MeleeGrand TourSpine of the WorldA Brief Tour of the Realms355
BeastGrand TourAmber TempleBacktracking Through Barovia341
ElfGrand TourVelkynvelveThe Prison of Velkynvelve343
UndeadGrand TourCastle RavenloftTowering Expectations344
PlantGrand TourLurkwoodThe Twilight Grove332
FiendGrand TourMenzoberranzanThe Demon Lords of the Abyss330
HumanoidGrand TourWayside InnUnearthed Evil326
HumanoidGrand TourLurkwoodLost in the Goblin Halls325
UndeadGrand TourCastle RavenloftExcavating History316
PlantGrand TourTown of VallakiSeeds of Deceit313
BeastGrand TourWaterdeepSupply Run314
BeastGrand TourWayside InnTerror in the Dark313
DrowGrand TourAraumycosThe Cult of Lolth316
BeastGrand TourLurkwoodMeepo's Quest303
BeastGrand TourLongsaddleThe Mists of Ravenloft302
BeastGrand TourVillage of BaroviaTower on the Lake294
HumanoidGrand TourWaterdeepWaterdeep Detours296
HumanoidGrand TourMenzoberranzanThe Demon Lords of the Abyss290
BeastGrand TourWaterdeepUnderdeep Cartography285
RangedGrand TourCastle RavenloftTowering Expectations284
HumanoidGrand TourLurkwood FarmInto the Unknown273
BeastGrand TourWaterdeepThe Silken Swamp262
HumanoidGrand TourMantol-DerithThe Dark Heart263
GoblinGrand TourWayside InnUnearthed Evil262
UndeadGrand TourCandlekeepReturn to the Tomb252
Armor-BasedGrand TourArajThe Alien Underdark251
AberrationGrand TourArajThe Alien Underdark254
HumanoidGrand TourWaterdeepThe Silken Swamp253
BeastGrand TourLurkwood FarmInto the Unknown254
BeastGrand TourAraumycosThe Madness of Zuggtmoy252
BeastGrand TourLurkwoodThe Sunless Citadel243
BeastGrand TourWayside InnThe Cursed Farmer242
BeastGrand TourVelkynvelveThe Prison of Velkynvelve242
DevilGrand TourWayside InnThe Mad Wizard241
FeyGrand TourLurkwoodWho Lurks in Lurkwood245
FiendGrand TourWayside InnThe Mad Wizard243
GoblinoidGrand TourLurkwoodLost in the Goblin Halls242
HumanGrand TourWaterdeepWaterdeep Detours234
BeastGrand TourVelkynvelveLeemooggoogoon Rises231
HumanGrand TourCastle RavenloftTowering Expectations231
HumanoidGrand TourVelkynvelveLeemooggoogoon Rises234
HumanoidGrand TourLurkwoodThe Sunless Citadel224
BeastGrand TourVillage of BaroviaFamily Entanglements222
BeastGrand TourTown of VallakiSeeds of Deceit220
RangedGrand TourMenzoberranzanThe Demon Lords of the Abyss220
ElfGrand TourAraumycosThe Cult of Lolth224
AberrationGrand TourAraumycosThe Madness of Zuggtmoy223
BeastGrand TourLurkwoodLost in the Goblin Halls214
BeastGrand TourLurkwoodWho Lurks in Lurkwood212
DrowGrand TourLurkwood FarmInto the Unknown211
GoblinGrand TourLurkwoodLost in the Goblin Halls212
OozeGrand TourAraumycosThe Madness of Zuggtmoy200
LycanthropeGrand TourWayside InnBeast Intentions207
HumanoidGrand TourWayside InnEscort to Waterdeep205
HumanoidGrand TourWayside InnBeast Intentions207
Hit-BasedGrand TourCyrogThe Oozing Hunger191
DemonGrand TourAraumycosThe Cult of Lolth191
BeastGrand TourCandlekeepHeatwave190
HumanoidGrand TourArajThe Alien Underdark191
FiendGrand TourAraumycosThe Cult of Lolth191
UndeadGrand TourArajThe Alien Underdark193
UndeadGrand TourVillage of BaroviaFamily Entanglements196
UndeadGrand TourWizardwine WineryFlies on the Wall181
BeastGrand TourCastle RavenloftExcavating History182
RangedGrand TourWayside InnEscort to Waterdeep181
DemonGrand TourMantol-DerithThe Dark Heart181
DemonGrand TourCyrogThe Oozing Hunger181
RangedGrand TourCandlekeepVecna Loots!183
UndeadGrand TourVillage of BaroviaTower on the Lake182
OozeGrand TourCyrogThe Oozing Hunger184
DrowGrand TourMenzoberranzanThe Demon Lords of the Abyss180
HumanoidGrand TourCandlekeepReturn to the Tomb181
FiendGrand TourCandlekeepHeatwave184
Hit-BasedGrand TourAraumycosThe Madness of Zuggtmoy180
RangedGrand TourWaterdeepWaterdeep Detours183
FiendGrand TourMantol-DerithThe Dark Heart182
FiendGrand TourCyrogThe Oozing Hunger181
HumanoidGrand TourLurkwoodWho Lurks in Lurkwood182
UndeadGrand TourVelkynvelveLost in the Underdark182
HumanoidGrand TourCastle RavenloftTowering Expectations172
UndeadGrand TourMantol-DerithThe Dark Heart174
OrcGrand TourLurkwoodOrcs Are Wild171
HumanoidGrand TourSpine of the WorldA Brief Tour of the Realms174
BeastGrand TourVelkynvelveNeutral No More172
BeastGrand TourMantol-DerithEncroaching Madness171
BeastGrand TourWizardwine WineryFlies on the Wall170
RangedGrand TourCandlekeepVecna Lives!174
BeastGrand TourSpine of the WorldA Brief Tour of the Realms160
DwarfGrand TourVelkynvelveNeutral No More161
PlantGrand TourWizardwine WineryFlies on the Wall160
ElfGrand TourLurkwood FarmInto the Unknown161
HumanoidGrand TourWaterdeepSupply Run153
BanditGrand TourWayside InnEscort to Waterdeep153
BeastGrand TourAraumycosThe Cult of Lolth152
BeastGrand TourWayside InnEscort to Waterdeep153
BeastGrand TourLurkwoodThe Twilight Grove152
BeastGrand TourWaterdeepWaterdeep Detours152
HumanGrand TourWayside InnEscort to Waterdeep151
HumanoidGrand TourLurkwoodMeepo's Quest154
DrowGrand TourWaterdeepThe Silken Swamp152
HobgoblinGrand TourLurkwoodOrcs Are Wild152
UndeadGrand TourWaterdeepUnderdeep Cartography153
FeyGrand TourWayside InnThe Mad Wizard151
RangedGrand TourCandlekeepReturn to the Tomb152
DevilGrand TourCandlekeepHeatwave151
HumanoidGrand TourWayside InnThe Cursed Farmer143
UndeadGrand TourWayside InnEscort to Waterdeep141
HumanoidGrand TourCyrogThe Oozing Hunger141
FlyingGrand TourWaterdeepUnderdeep Cartography141
MonstrosityGrand TourWaterdeepThe Silken Swamp144
RangedGrand TourAraumycosThe Madness of Zuggtmoy144
MonstrosityGrand TourCyrogThe Oozing Hunger142
RangedGrand TourMantol-DerithEncroaching Madness131
BanditGrand TourWaterdeepWaterdeep Detours132
DrowGrand TourVelkynvelveNeutral No More131
BossGrand TourMenzoberranzanThe Demon Lords of the Abyss130
ElfGrand TourLurkwoodWho Lurks in Lurkwood132
RangedGrand TourMantol-DerithThe Dark Heart131
FlyingGrand TourCastle RavenloftExcavating History132
UndeadGrand TourLurkwoodThe Twilight Grove121
RangedGrand TourAraumycosThe Cult of Lolth121
ZhentarimGrand TourMantol-DerithThe Dark Heart121
HumanoidGrand TourAmber TempleBacktracking Through Barovia124
HumanoidGrand TourVelkynvelveLost in the Underdark123
BeastGrand TourWayside InnUnearthed Evil122
GoblinoidGrand TourCandlekeepReturn to the Tomb121
HumanGrand TourSpine of the WorldA Brief Tour of the Realms122
DevilGrand TourWayside InnThe Cursed Farmer120
UndeadGrand TourWayside InnTerror in the Dark123
DwarfGrand TourVelkynvelveThe Prison of Velkynvelve121
MonstrosityGrand TourVelkynvelveLost in the Underdark123
Half-OrcGrand TourWayside InnEscort to Waterdeep123
BeastGrand TourCandlekeepReturn to the Tomb123
GoblinGrand TourCandlekeepReturn to the Tomb121
RangedGrand TourLurkwood FarmInto the Unknown120
FiendGrand TourWayside InnThe Cursed Farmer122
HumanoidGrand TourAraumycosThe Madness of Zuggtmoy121
RangedGrand TourWaterdeepUnderdeep Cartography121
FlyingGrand TourWayside InnTerror in the Dark121
FlyingGrand TourWayside InnThe Cursed Farmer121
GoblinGrand TourLurkwoodThe Sunless Citadel121
BeastGrand TourCastle RavenloftTowering Expectations113
HumanoidGrand TourWaterdeepUnderdeep Cartography112
RangedGrand TourLurkwoodWho Lurks in Lurkwood113
Armor-BasedGrand TourMenzoberranzanThe Demon Lords of the Abyss110
DwarfGrand TourVelkynvelveLeemooggoogoon Rises111
FlyingGrand TourLurkwoodOrcs Are Wild111
FlyingGrand TourAmber TempleBacktracking Through Barovia110
RangedGrand TourWayside InnThe Mad Wizard114
GoblinoidGrand TourCyrogThe Oozing Hunger110
GoblinGrand TourCyrogThe Oozing Hunger110
GoblinoidGrand TourLurkwoodOrcs Are Wild110
BeastGrand TourVelkynvelveLost in the Underdark101
BeastGrand TourCyrogThe Oozing Hunger101
HumanoidGrand TourLongsaddleThe Mists of Ravenloft103
KoboldGrand TourWaterdeepWaterdeep Detours102
DemonGrand TourVelkynvelveLeemooggoogoon Rises103
DemonGrand TourWayside InnThe Cursed Farmer102
RangedGrand TourWaterdeepSupply Run101
OrcGrand TourLurkwoodWho Lurks in Lurkwood101
DrowGrand TourMantol-DerithThe Dark Heart100
ElementalGrand TourWizardwine WineryFlies on the Wall101
ElfGrand TourMantol-DerithThe Dark Heart100
FiendGrand TourVelkynvelveLeemooggoogoon Rises104
MonstrosityGrand TourAraumycosThe Madness of Zuggtmoy102
HumanoidGrand TourCandlekeepHeatwave101
MonstrosityGrand TourAraumycosThe Cult of Lolth101
GnollGrand TourWayside InnThe Cursed Farmer101
AberrationGrand TourCyrogThe Oozing Hunger91
AberrationGrand TourWayside InnThe Mad Wizard90
RangedGrand TourLurkwoodLost in the Goblin Halls91
MonstrosityGrand TourMenzoberranzanThe Demon Lords of the Abyss90
HumanGrand TourVillage of BaroviaFamily Entanglements92
DrowGrand TourVelkynvelveLost in the Underdark93
UndeadGrand TourLongsaddleThe Mists of Ravenloft93
FlyingGrand TourTown of VallakiSeeds of Deceit90
FlyingGrand TourLurkwoodWho Lurks in Lurkwood90
PlantGrand TourAraumycosThe Madness of Zuggtmoy92
UndeadGrand TourAmber TempleBacktracking Through Barovia81
UndeadGrand TourLurkwoodThe Sunless Citadel81
Kuo-ToaGrand TourVelkynvelveLeemooggoogoon Rises82
BeastGrand TourMenzoberranzanThe Demon Lords of the Abyss80

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