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Slowpoke Pokemon DEX, GEN, and location checklist


33 results. (1000 max)
DEX↕️ ✔️ Name↕️ Game↕️ Location↕
79SlowpokeMoonRoutes 1, 15, 16, Kala'e Bay
79SlowpokeWhiteAbundant Shrine (Surfing, rippling water)
79SlowpokeBlack2Abundant Shrine (Swarm)
79SlowpokeWhite2Abundant Shrine (Swarm)
79SlowpokeXRoute 12 (Tall grass, yellow flowers)
Azure Bay (Tall grass, horde encounter)
79SlowpokeYRoute 12 (Tall grass, yellow flowers)
Azure Bay (Tall grass, horde encounter)
79SlowpokeOmegaRubyMirage Caves (North of Fallarbor Town, south of Route 131)
79SlowpokeAlphaSapphireMirage Caves (North of Fallarbor Town, south of Route 131)
79SlowpokeSunRoutes 1, 15, 16, Kala'e Bay
79SlowpokeBlackAbundant Shrine (Surfing, rippling water)
79SlowpokeUltraSunRoutes 1, 15, 16, Kala'e Bay, Poké Pelago
79SlowpokeUltraMoonRoutes 1, 15, 16, Kala'e Bay, Poké Pelago
79SlowpokeLetsGoPikachuSeafoam Islands
79SlowpokeLetsGoEeveeSeafoam Islands
79SlowpokeSwordWedgehurst Station (Galarian)
Trade (Kantonian)
79SlowpokeShieldWedgehurst Station (Galarian)
Trade (Kantonian)
79SlowpokeSwSh-DLCFields of Honor (Galarian)
Soothing Wetlands, Challenge Beach, Training Lowlands, Snowslide Slope, Path to the Peak, Giant's Bed, Frigid Sea, Ballimere Lake (Max Raid Battle) (Galarian)
Reward for finding 10 Alolan Diglett (Kantonian)
79SlowpokeRedSeafoam Islands Route 10, Celadon City, Safari Zone (Super Rod)
79SlowpokeSoulSilverSlowpoke Well, Tohjo Falls (Surfing)
79SlowpokeHeartGoldSlowpoke Well, Tohjo Falls (Surfing)
79SlowpokePlatinumRoute 205 (Poke Radar)
79SlowpokePearlRoute 205 (Poke Radar)
79SlowpokeLeafGreenCeladon City (Surfing)
Routes 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 19, 20, 21, 24, Water Labyrinth, Resort Gorgeous, Memorial Pillar, Green Path, Outcast Island, Tanoby Ruins, Pallet Town, Cerulean City, Vermilion City, Cinnabar Island, One Island, Five Island, Trainer Tower (Super Rod)
Routes 6, 22, 23, 25, Viridian City, Fuchsia City, Four Island, Cerulean Cave, Safari Zone (Surfing and Super Rod)
Treasure Beach, Kindle Road, Bond Bridge, Five Isle Meadow, Ruin Valley, Water Path (Tall grass and Super Rod)
79SlowpokeCrystalSlowpoke Well, Tohjo Falls (Walking and surfing)
79SlowpokeSilverSlowpoke Well, Tohjo Falls (Walking and surfing)
79SlowpokeGoldSlowpoke Well, Tohjo Falls (Walking and surfing)
79SlowpokeYellowSeafoam Islands Routes 12, 13 (Surfing)
79SlowpokeBlueSeafoam Islands Route 10, Celadon City, Safari Zone (Super Rod)

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