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Gold Pokemon DEX, GEN, and location checklist


251 results. (1000 max)
DEX↕️ ✔️ Name↕️ Game↕️ Location↕
1BulbasaurGoldTime Capsule, Event
2IvysaurGoldTime Capsule
3VenusaurGoldTime Capsule, Event
4CharmanderGoldTime Capsule, Event
5CharmeleonGoldTime Capsule, Evolve Charmander (Lv. 16)
6CharizardGoldTime Capsule, Event, Evolve Charmeleon (Lv. 36)
7SquirtleGoldTime Capsule, Event
8WartortleGoldTime Capsule, Evolve Squirtle (Lv. 16)
9BlastoiseGoldTime Capsule, Event
10CaterpieGoldRoutes 2, 30, 31, Ilex Forest, National Park (Morning/Day)
National Park (Bug-Catching Contest)
Routes 26, 27, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, Azalea Town, Ilex Forest, Lake of Rage (Headbutt trees)
11MetapodGoldRoutes 2, 30, 31, Ilex Forest, National Park (Morning/Day)
National Park (Bug-Catching Contest)
Routes 26, 27, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, Azalea Town, Ilex Forest, Lake of Rage (Headbutt trees)
12ButterfreeGoldRoute 2 (Morning)
National Park (Bug-Catching Contest)
Routes 26, 27, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, Azalea Town, Ilex Forest, Lake of Rage (Headbutt trees)
13WeedleGoldNational Park (Bug-Catching Contest)
14KakunaGoldNational Park (Bug-Catching Contest)
15BeedrillGoldNational Park (Bug-Catching Contest)
16PidgeyGoldRoutes 1, 2, 5, 6, 25, 29, 30, 31, 35, 36, 37, National Park (Morning/Day)
17PidgeottoGoldRoutes 2, 8, 13, 14, 15, 25, 37, 43 (Morning/Day)
18PidgeotGoldEvolve Pidgeotto (Lv. 36)
19RattataGoldRoutes 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 11, 22, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 38, 39, 46, Tin Tower, Mt. Mortar, Union Cave, Tohjo Falls, Sprout Tower, Burned Tower
20RaticateGoldRoutes 9, 10, 26, 27, 38, 39, Mt. Mortar, Union Cave, Tohjo Falls, Burned Tower
21SpearowGoldRoutes 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 22, 33, 42, 46
Routes 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 42, 43, 44 (Headbutt trees)
Route 35 (Randy)
22FearowGoldRoutes 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 22 (Morning/Day)
23EkansGoldGoldenrod Game Corner
24ArbokGoldEvolve Ekans (Lv. 22)
25PikachuGoldRoute 2
26RaichuGoldEvolve Pikachu (Thunder Stone)
27SandshrewGoldUnion Cave, Mt. Moon
28SandslashGoldRoutes 26, 27, Mt. Moon
29NidoranFGoldRoutes 35, 36
30NidorinaGoldRoutes 13, 14, 15
31NidoqueenGoldEvolve Nidorina (Moon Stone)
32NidoranMGoldRoutes 35, 36
33NidorinoGoldRoutes 13, 14, 15
34NidokingGoldEvolve Nidorino (Moon Stone)
35ClefairyGoldMt. Moon
36ClefableGoldEvolve Clefairy (Moon Stone)
39JigglypuffGoldRoutes 3, 4, 46
40WigglytuffGoldEvolve Jigglypuff (Moon Stone)
41ZubatGoldRock Tunnel, Whirl Islands, Ilex Forest, Mt. Moon, Dark Cave, Ice Path, Mt. Mortar, Union Cave, Tohjo Falls, Burned Tower, Slowpoke Well
Routes 3, 4, 32, 33, 42 (Night)
42GolbatGoldDark Cave (Blackthorn City side), Union Cave, Slowpoke Well, Mt. Mortar, Whirl Islands, Ice Path, Mt. Silver Interior, Victory Road, Tohjo Falls
43OddishGoldRoutes 5, 6, 24, 25, Ilex Forest (Night)
44GloomGoldRoute 5 (Night)
45VileplumeGoldEvolve Gloom (Leaf Stone)
46ParasGoldNational Park (Bug-Catching Contest)
Ilex Forest, Mt. Moon
47ParasectGoldEvolve Paras (Lv. 24)
48VenonatGoldRoutes 24, 25, 43
National Park (Bug-Catching Contest)
49VenomothGoldRoutes 24, 25 (Night)
50DiglettGoldDiglett's Cave
51DugtrioGoldDiglett's Cave
54PsyduckGoldRoute 6, 35, Ilex Forest (Surfing)
55GolduckGoldRoutes 6, 35, Ilex Forest (Surfing)
Mt. Silver
56MankeyGoldRoutes 9, 42
57PrimeapeGoldRoute 9
58GrowlitheGoldRoutes 7, 8, 36, 37
59ArcanineGoldEvolve Growlithe (Fire Stone)
60PoliwagGoldRoutes 22, 28, 30, 31, 44, Violet City, Ecruteak City, Viridian City, Mt. Silver Exterior (Surfing and fishing)
Routes 6, 35, 43, Ruins of Alph, Ilex Forest, Blackthorn City (Fishing)
61PoliwhirlGoldRoutes 22, 28, 30, 31, 44, Violet City, Ecruteak City, Viridian City, Mt. Silver (Surfing)
62PoliwrathGoldEvolve Poliwhirl (Water Stone)
63AbraGoldRoutes 5, 6, 8, 24, 25, 34, 35, Goldenrod Game Corner
64KadabraGoldRoute 8
65AlakazamGoldEvolve Kadabra (Trade)
66MachopGoldRock Tunnel, Mt. Mortar
Trade Drowzee in Goldenrod Department Store
67MachokeGoldRock Tunnel, Mt. Mortar
68MachampGoldEvolve Machoke (Trade)
69BellsproutGoldRoutes 5, 6, 24, 25, 31, 32, 44
70WeepinbellGoldRoutes 24, 25, 44
71VictreebelGoldEvolve Weepinbell (Leaf Stone)
72TentacoolGoldRoutes 20, 21, 26, 27, 41, New Bark Town, Pallet Town, Vermilion City, Olivine City, Cinnabar Island (Surfing, Old/Good Rod)
Routes 19, 34, 40, Olivine City, Cherrygrove City, Cianwood City, Whirl Islands, Union Cave (Surfing)
Routes 12, 13, 32 (Surfing or fishing)
73TentacruelGoldRoutes 20, 21, 26, 27, 41, New Bark Town, Olivine City, Pallet Town, Vermilion City, Cinnabar Island (Surfing and Super Rod)
Routes 12, 13, 19, 32, 34, 40, Cherrygrove City, Cianwood City, Whirl Islands, Union Cave (Surfing)
74GeodudeGoldRoutes 45, 46, Mt. Mortar, Dark Cave, Union Cave, Mt. Moon, Rock Tunnel
Team Rocket HQ
75GravelerGoldRoute 45, Victory Road, Dark Cave, Mt. Mortar, Silver Cave
76GolemGoldEvolve Graveler (Trade)
77PonytaGoldRoutes 22, 26, 27, 28, Mt. Silver
78RapidashGoldRoute 28, Mt. Silver
Trade Gloom in Pewter City
79SlowpokeGoldSlowpoke Well, Tohjo Falls (Walking and surfing)
80SlowbroGoldSlowpoke Well (Surfing)
81MagnemiteGoldRoutes 6, 11, 38, 39
82MagnetonGoldEvolve Magnemite (Lv. 30)
83Farfetch'dGoldRoutes 38, 39 (Morning/Day)
84DoduoGoldRoutes 22, 26, 27, 28, Mt. Silver (Morning/Day)
85DodrioGoldRoutes 26, 28, Mt. Silver Exterior
86SeelGoldWhirl Islands
87DewgongGoldEvolve Seel (Lv. 34)
88GrimerGoldRoutes 16, 17, 18
Celadon City (Surfing)
89MukGoldRoutes 16, 17, 18
Celadon City (Surfing)
90ShellderGoldRoutes 20, 21, 26, 27, 41, Olivine City harbor, Vermilion City, Pallet Town, New Bark Town, Cinnabar Island (Good Rod and Super Rod)
91CloysterGoldEvolve Shellder (Water Stone)
92GastlyGoldTin Tower, Sprout Tower (Night)
93HaunterGoldRoute 8 (Night)
94GengarGoldEvolve Haunter (Trade)
95OnixGoldRock Tunnel, Mt. Silver, Victory Road, Union Cave
Trade Bellsprout in Violet City
96DrowzeeGoldRoutes 11, 34, 35
97HypnoGoldRoute 11
98KrabbyGoldWhirl Islands (Walking and fishing)
Route 40, Cianwood City (Rock Smash and fishing)
Routes 19, 34, Cherrygrove City, Olivine City, Cerulean Gym, Cerulean City, Union Cave (Fishing)
Burned Tower, Dark Cave (Rock Smash)
99KinglerGoldRoutes 19, 34, 40, Olivine City, Whirl Islands, Cianwood City, Cerulean City and Gym, Cherrygrove City, Union Cave (Super Rod)
100VoltorbGoldRoute 10
Trade Krabby in Olivine City
Team Rocket HQ
101ElectrodeGoldTeam Rocket HQ
102ExeggcuteGoldRoutes 26, 27, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, Azalea Town, Ilex Forest, Lake of Rage (Headbutt trees)
103ExeggutorGoldEvolve Exeggcute (Leaf Stone)
104CuboneGoldRock Tunnel
105MarowakGoldRock Tunnel
106HitmonleeGoldEvolve Tyrogue (Attack higher than Defense)
107HitmonchanGoldEvolve Tyrogue (Defense higher than Attack)
108LickitungGoldRoute 44
109KoffingGoldBurned Tower
Team Rocket HQ
110WeezingGoldEvolve Koffing (Lv. 35)
111RhyhornGoldVictory Road
112RhydonGoldTrade Dragonair in Blackthorn City
113ChanseyGoldRoutes 13, 14, 15
114TangelaGoldRoutes 21, 28, 44, Mt. Silver
115KangaskhanGoldRock Tunnel
116HorseaGoldWhirl Islands (Surfing, Good Rod or Super Rod)
117SeadraGoldWhirl Islands (Walking and surfing)
118GoldeenGoldDark Cave, Union Cave, Slowpoke Well (Fishing)
Routes 4, 9, 10, 24, 25, 42, Mt. Mortar, Tohjo Falls, Mt. Silver, Cerulean City (Surfing and fishing)
119SeakingGoldDark Cave, Union Cave, Slowpoke Well (Super Rod)
Routes 4, 9, 10, 24, 25, and 42, Cerulean City, Mt. Mortar, Tohjo Falls, Mt. Silver 2F (Surfing and Super Rod)
120StaryuGoldRoutes 19, 34, 40, Olivine City, Cianwood City, Cerulean City and Gym, Cherrygrove City, Union Cave (Good Rod and Super Rod) (Night)
121StarmieGoldEvolve Staryu (Water Stone)
122Mr. MimeGoldRoute 21, Celadon Game Corner
123ScytherGoldNational Park (Bug-Catching Contest)
124JynxGoldIce Path
125ElectabuzzGoldRoute 10
126MagmarGoldBurned Tower
127PinsirGoldNational Park (Bug-Catching Contest)
128TaurosGoldRoutes 38, 39
129MagikarpGoldRoutes 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, New Bark Town, Pallet Town, Cherrygrove City, Cerulean City and Gym, Cianwood City, Vermilion City, Cinnabar Island, Whirl Islands (Old Rod or Good Rod)
Routes 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 22, 24, 25, 28, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 40, 41, 42, 44, Violet City, Ecruteak City, Olivine City, Cianwood City, Viridian City, Ruins of Alph, Union Cave, Ilex Forest, Slowpoke Well, Mt. Mortar, Tohjo Falls, Mt. Silver (Fishing)
Routes 43, 45, Dark Cave, Lake of Rage, Blackthorn City, Dragon's Den, Fuc
130GyaradosGoldLake of Rage (Surfing, Good Rod, Super Rod, Red Gyarados)
Fuchsia City (Good Rod or Super Rod)
131LaprasGoldUnion Cave (Weekly)
132DittoGoldRoutes 34, 35
133EeveeGoldReceived from Bill in Goldenrod City
Celadon Game Corner
134VaporeonGoldEvolve Eevee (Water Stone)
135JolteonGoldEvolve Eevee (Thunder Stone)
136FlareonGoldEvolve Eevee (Fire Stone)
137PorygonGoldCeladon Game Corner
138OmanyteGoldTime Capsule, Event
139OmastarGoldTime Capsule
140KabutoGoldTime Capsule, Event
141KabutopsGoldTime Capsule
142AerodactylGoldTrade Chansey on Route 14
143SnorlaxGoldVermillion City (Only one)
144ArticunoGoldTime Capsule, Event
145ZapdosGoldTime Capsule, Event
146MoltresGoldTime Capsule, Event
147DratiniGoldDragon's Den (Surfing, Good Rod, and Super Rod)
Route 45 (Good Rod and Super Rod)
Goldenrod Game Corner
148DragonairGoldRoute 45, Dragon's Den (Super Rod)
149DragoniteGoldEvolve Dragonair (Lv. 55)
150MewtwoGoldTime Capsule, Event
153BayleefGoldEvolve Chikorita (Lv. 16)
154MeganiumGoldEvolve Bayleef (Lv. 32)
156QuilavaGoldEvolve Cyndaquil (Lv. 14)
157TyphlosionGoldEvolve Quilava (Lv. 36)
159CroconawGoldEvolve Totodile (Lv. 18)
160FeraligatrGoldEvolve Croconaw (Lv. 30)
161SentretGoldRoutes 1, 29 (Morning/Day)
162FurretGoldRoute 1 (Morning/Day)
163HoothootGoldRoutes 1, 2, 29, 30, 31, 35, 36, 37, National Park (Night)
164NoctowlGoldRoutes 2, 8, 13, 14, 15, 43 (Night)
167SpinarakGoldRoutes 2, 30, 31, 37 (Night)
168AriadosGoldRoute 2
169CrobatGoldEvolve Golbat (High friendship)
170ChinchouGoldRoutes 20, 21, 26, 27, 41, Olivine City, Vermilion City, Cinnabar Island, Pallet Town, New Bark Town (Good Rod or Super Rod)
171LanturnGoldRoutes 20, 21, 26, 27, 41, Olivine City, Vermilion City, Pallet Town, New Bark Town, Cinnabar Island (Super Rod)
172PichuGoldBreed Pikachu or Raichu
173CleffaGoldBreed Clefairy or Clefable
174IgglybuffGoldBreed Jigglypuff or Wigglytuff
175TogepiGoldHatch Egg from Prof. Elm
176TogeticGoldEvolve Togepi (High friendship)
177NatuGoldRuins of Alph
178XatuGoldEvolve Natu (Lv. 25)
179MareepGoldRoutes 32, 42, 43
180FlaaffyGoldRoutes 42, 43
181AmpharosGoldEvolve Flaaffy (Lv. 30)
182BellossomGoldEvolve Gloom (Sun Stone)
183MarillGoldMt. Mortar (Walking)
184AzumarillGoldEvolve Marill (Lv. 18)
185SudowoodoGoldRoute 36 (Only one)
186PolitoedGoldEvolve Poliwhirl (Traded with King's Rock)
187HoppipGoldRoutes 13, 14, 15, 32, 33 (Morning/Day)
188SkiploomGoldRoute 14 (Morning/Day)
189JumpluffGoldEvolve Skiploom (Lv. 27)
190AipomGoldRoutes 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 42, 43, 44 (Headbutt trees)
191SunkernGoldRoute 24, National Park (Day)
192SunfloraGoldEvolve Sunkern (Sun Stone)
193YanmaGoldRoute 35
194WooperGoldRoute 32 (Night)
Ruins of Alph, Union Cave (Surfing)
195QuagsireGoldRoutes 10, 13, 14, 15, 26, 27 (Tall grass) (Day/Night)
Mt. Silver
Routes 12, 13, 32, Ruins of Alph, Union Cave (Surfing)
196EspeonGoldEvolve Eevee (High Friendship (Day))
197UmbreonGoldEvolve Eevee (High Friendship (Night))
198MurkrowGoldRoutes 7, 16 (Night)
199SlowkingGoldEvolve Slowpoke (Trade with King's Rock)
200MisdreavusGoldMt. Silver (Night)
201UnownGoldRuins of Alph
202WobbuffetGoldDark Cave
203GirafarigGoldRoute 43
204PinecoGoldRoutes 26, 27, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, Azalea Town, Ilex Forest, Lake of Rage (Headbutt trees)
205ForretressGoldEvolve Pineco (Lv. 31)
206DunsparceGoldDark Cave
207GligarGoldRoute 45
208SteelixGoldEvolve Onix (Trade with Metal Coat)
209SnubbullGoldRoute 38
210GranbullGoldEvolve Snubbull (Lv. 23)
211QwilfishGoldRoutes 12, 13, 32 (Super Rod)
212ScizorGoldEvolve Scyther (Trade with Metal Coat)
213ShuckleGoldRoute 40, Cianwood City, Burned Tower, Dark Cave (Rock Smash)
214HeracrossGoldRoutes 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 42, 43, 44 (Headbutt trees)
215SneaselGoldRoute 28, Mt. Silver (Night)
216TeddiursaGoldRoute 45
217UrsaringGoldRoute 28, Victory Road, Mt. Silver
218SlugmaGoldRoutes 16, 17, 18
219MagcargoGoldEvolve Slugma (Lv. 38)
220SwinubGoldIce Path
221PiloswineGoldEvolve Swinub (Lv. 33)
222CorsolaGoldRoutes 19, 34, 40, Olivine City, Cianwood City, Cerulean City and Gym, Cherrygrove City, Union Cave (Good Rod or Super Rod) (Morning/Day)
223RemoraidGoldRoute 44 (Super Rod)
224OctilleryGoldEvolve Remoraid (Lv. 25)
225DelibirdGoldTrade, Event
226MantineGoldRoute 41
227SkarmoryGoldTrade, Event
228HoundourGoldRoute 7 (Night)
229HoundoomGoldEvolve Houndour (Lv. 24)
230KingdraGoldEvolve Seadra (Trade with Dragon Scale)
231PhanpyGoldTrade, Event
233Porygon2GoldEvolve Porygon (Trade with Upgrade)
234StantlerGoldRoutes 36, 37
235SmeargleGoldRuins of Alph
236TyrogueGoldReceived from Kiyo in Mt. Mortar
237HitmontopGoldEvolve Tyrogue (Attack = Defense)
238SmoochumGoldBreed Jynx
239ElekidGoldBreed Electabuzz
240MagbyGoldBreed Magmar
241MiltankGoldRoutes 38, 39
242BlisseyGoldEvolve Chansey (High friendship)
243RaikouGoldRoaming Johto
244EnteiGoldRoaming Johto
245SuicuneGoldRoaming Johto
246LarvitarGoldMt. Silver
247PupitarGoldEvolve Larvitar (Lv. 30)
248TyranitarGoldEvolve Pupitar (Lv. 55)
249LugiaGoldWhirl Islands (Requires Silver Wing) (Only one)
250Ho-ohGoldTin Tower (Requires Rainbow Wing) (Only one)
251CelebiGoldTrade, Event

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