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Crystal Pokemon DEX, GEN, and location checklist


251 results. (1000 max)
DEX↕️ ✔️ Name↕️ Game↕️ Location↕
1BulbasaurCrystalTime Capsule, Event
2IvysaurCrystalTime Capsule
3VenusaurCrystalTime Capsule, Event
4CharmanderCrystalTime Capsule, Event
5CharmeleonCrystalTime Capsule, Evolve Charmander (Lv. 16)
6CharizardCrystalTime Capsule, Event, Evolve Charmeleon (Lv. 36)
7SquirtleCrystalTime Capsule, Event
8WartortleCrystalTime Capsule, Evolve Squirtle (Lv. 16)
9BlastoiseCrystalTime Capsule, Event
10CaterpieCrystalRoutes 2, 24, 25, 30, and 31, Ilex Forest and National Park (Morning/Day)
National Park (Bug-Catching Contest)
Ilex Forest (Headbutt trees)
11MetapodCrystalRoutes 24, 25, Ilex Forest (Morning/Day)
National Park (Bug-Catching Contest)
Ilex Forest (Headbutt trees)
12ButterfreeCrystalRoutes 2, 24, 25 (Morning/Day)
National Park (Bug-Catching Contest)
Ilex Forest (Headbutt trees)
13WeedleCrystalRoutes 30, 31, Ilex Forest, National Park (Morning/Day)
National Park (Bug-Catching Contest)
Ilex Forest (Headbutt trees)
14KakunaCrystalIlex Forest (Morning/Day)
National Park (Bug-Catching Contest)
Ilex Forest (Headbutt trees)
15BeedrillCrystalNational Park (Bug-Catching Contest)
Ilex Forest (Headbutt trees)
16PidgeyCrystalRoutes 1, 2, 5, 25, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, National Park, Ilex Forest (Morning/Day)
17PidgeottoCrystalRoute 2 (Day) Route 5, 8, 11, 13, 14, 15, 25, 37, 38, 39, 43 (Morning/Day)
18PidgeotCrystalEvolve Pidgeotto (Lv. 36)
19RattataCrystalRoutes 1, 3, 4, 9, 21, 22, 29, 32, 33, 34, 42, 46, Tin Tower, Mt. Mortar, Union Cave, Tohjo Falls, Sprout Tower, Burned Tower
Routes 6, 7, 11, 38, 39 (Morning/Day)
20RaticateCrystalRoutes 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 21, 26, 27, 38, 39, 42, 43, Mt. Mortar, Union Cave, Tohjo Falls, Burned Tower
Route 1 (Night)
Route 7 (Morning/Day)
21SpearowCrystalRoutes 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 22, 33, 42, 46 (Morning/Day)
Azalea Town, Routes 33, 42, 44 (Headbutt trees)
Route 35 (Randy)
22FearowCrystalRoutes 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 22, 42 (Morning/Day)
23EkansCrystalRoutes 3, 4, 32, 33, 42 (Morning/Day)
Routes 26, 27, 32, 33, 42, Azalea Town (Headbutt trees)
24ArbokCrystalRoutes 3, 4, 26, 27, 28, 42, Mt. Silver (Morning/Day)
25PikachuCrystalRoute 2 (Morning/Day), Celadon Game Corner
26RaichuCrystalEvolve Pikachu (Thunder Stone)
27SandshrewCrystalRoutes 3, 4, Union Cave, Mt. Moon (Morning/Day)
28SandslashCrystalRoute 26, Victory Road (Morning/Day)
29NidoranFCrystalNational Park (Morning/Day)
Route 35 (Swarm)
30NidorinaCrystalRoutes 13, 14, 15 (Morning/Day)
31NidoqueenCrystalEvolve Nidorina (Moon Stone)
32NidoranMCrystalNational Park (Morning/Day)
Route 35 (Swarm)
33NidorinoCrystalRoutes 13, 14, 15 (Morning/Day)
34NidokingCrystalEvolve Nidorino (Moon Stone)
35ClefairyCrystalMt. Moon
Routes 3, 4 (Night)
36ClefableCrystalEvolve Clefairy (Moon Stone)
39JigglypuffCrystalRoutes 5, 6, 7, 8, 34, 35
40WigglytuffCrystalEvolve Jigglypuff (Moon Stone)
41ZubatCrystalRock Tunnel, Whirl Islands, Mt. Moon, Dark Cave, Ice Path, Mt. Mortar, Union Cave, Tohjo Falls, Burned Tower, Slowpoke Well
Routes 3, 4, 9, 10, 30, 31, 32, 33, 42 (Night)
42GolbatCrystalDark Cave (Blackthorn City side), Union Cave, Slowpoke Well, Mt. Mortar, Whirl Islands, Ice Path, Mt. Silver interior, Victory Road, , Tohjo Falls
Routes 28, 42, Rock Tunnel, Mt. Silver Entrance (Night)
43OddishCrystalRoutes 24, 25, Ilex Forest (Night)
44GloomCrystalRoute 24 (Night)
45VileplumeCrystalEvolve Gloom (Leaf Stone)
46ParasCrystalNational Park (Bug-Catching Contest)
Ilex Forest, Mt. Moon
47ParasectCrystalMt. Silver Cave
48VenonatCrystalRoutes 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 24, 25, 43, Ilex Forest, National Park (Night)
National Park (Bug-Catching Contest)
Route 43, Lake of Rage (Headbutt trees)
49VenomothCrystalRoutes 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 43 (Night)
50DiglettCrystalDiglett's Cave
51DugtrioCrystalDiglett's Cave
52MeowthCrystalRoutes 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 38, 39 (Night)
53PersianCrystalRoute 7 (Night)
54PsyduckCrystalRoute 6, 35, Ilex Forest (Surfing)
Routes 6, 35, Ilex Forest, National Park (Night)
55GolduckCrystalRoutes 6, 35, Ilex Forest, Mt. Silver (Surfing)
Mt. Silver (Night)
58GrowlitheCrystalRoutes 8, 35, 36, 37 (Morning/Day)
59ArcanineCrystalEvolve Growlithe (Fire Stone)
60PoliwagCrystalRoutes 22, 28, 30, 31, 44, Violet City, Ecruteak City, Viridian City, Mt. Silver Exterior (Surfing and fishing)
Routes 6, 35, 43, Ruins of Alph, Ilex Forest, Blackthorn City (Fishing)
Routes 22, 30, 31, 44 (Night)
61PoliwhirlCrystalRoutes 22, 28, 30, 31, and 44, Violet City, Ecruteak City, Viridian City, Mt. Silver (Surfing)
Routes 28 and 44, Mt. Silver (Tall grass) (Night)
62PoliwrathCrystalEvolve Poliwhirl (Water Stone)
63AbraCrystalRoutes 5, 7, 8, 24, 34, 35, Goldenrod Game Corner
64KadabraCrystalRoute 8
65AlakazamCrystalEvolve Kadabra (Trade)
66MachopCrystalRock Tunnel, Mt. Mortar (Morning/Day)
Trade Drowzee in Goldenrod Department Store
67MachokeCrystalMt. Mortar, Mt. Silver, Rock Tunnel (Morning/Day)
68MachampCrystalEvolve Machoke (Trade)
69BellsproutCrystalRoutes 24, 25, 31, 32, 36, 44
70WeepinbellCrystalRoute 44
71VictreebelCrystalEvolve Weepinbell (Leaf Stone)
72TentacoolCrystalRoutes 20, 21, 26, 27, 41, New Bark Town, Pallet Town, Vermilion City, Olivine City, Cinnabar Island (Surfing, Old/Good Rod)
Routes 19, 34, 40, Olivine City, Cherrygrove City, Cianwood City, Whirl Islands, Union Cave (Surfing)
Routes 12, 13, 32 (Surfing or fishing)
73TentacruelCrystalRoutes 20, 21, 26, 27, 41, New Bark Town, Olivine City, Pallet Town, Vermilion City, Cinnabar Island (Surfing and Super Rod)
Routes 12, 13, 19, 32, 34, 40, Cherrygrove City, Cianwood City, Whirl Islands, Union Cave (Surfing)
74GeodudeCrystalRoutes 33, 45, 46, Mt. Mortar, Dark Cave, Union Cave, Mt. Moon, Rock Tunnel
Team Rocket HQ
75GravelerCrystalRoute 45, Victory Road, Dark Cave, Mt. Mortar, Silver Cave
76GolemCrystalEvolve Graveler (Trade)
77PonytaCrystalRoutes 22, 26, 27, 28, Mt. Silver (Morning/Day)
78RapidashCrystalRoute 28, Mt. Silver (Morning/Day)
79SlowpokeCrystalSlowpoke Well, Tohjo Falls (Walking and surfing)
80SlowbroCrystalSlowpoke Well (Surfing)
81MagnemiteCrystalRoutes 6, 11, 38, 39
82MagnetonCrystalTrade Dugtrio in Power Plant
83Farfetch'dCrystalRoute 43 (Morning/Day)
84DoduoCrystalRoutes 22, 26, 27, 28, Mt. Silver (Morning/Day)
85DodrioCrystalRoutes 27, 28, Mt. Silver Exterior (Morning/Day)
Trade Dragonair in Blackthorn City
86SeelCrystalWhirl Islands (Morning/Day)
87DewgongCrystalEvolve Seel (Lv. 34)
88GrimerCrystalRoutes 16, 17, 18
Celadon City (Surfing)
89MukCrystalRoutes 16, 17, 18
Celadon City (Surfing)
90ShellderCrystalRoutes 20, 21, 26, 27, 41, Olivine City harbor, Vermilion City, Pallet Town, New Bark Town, Cinnabar Island (Good Rod and Super Rod)
91CloysterCrystalEvolve Shellder (Water Stone)
92GastlyCrystalRoutes 31, 32, 36, Tin Tower, Sprout Tower (Night)
93HaunterCrystalRoute 8, Rock Tunnel (Night)
94GengarCrystalEvolve Haunter (Trade)
95OnixCrystalRock Tunnel, Mt. Silver, Victory Road, Union Cave
Trade Bellsprout in Violet City
96DrowzeeCrystalRoutes 6, 11, 34, 35 (Night)
97HypnoCrystalRoute 11 (Night)
98KrabbyCrystalWhirl Islands (Walking and fishing)
Routes 19, 34, Cherrygrove City, Olivine City, Cerulean City, Union Cave (Fishing)
Route 40, Cianwood City (Rock Smash and fishing)
Dark Cave (Rock Smash)
99KinglerCrystalRoutes 19, 34, 40, Olivine City, Whirl Islands, Cianwood City, Cerulean City, Cherrygrove City, Union Cave (Super Rod)
100VoltorbCrystalRoute 10
Trade Krabby in Olivine City
Team Rocket HQ
101ElectrodeCrystalTeam Rocket HQ
102ExeggcuteCrystalRoutes 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 43, Lake of Rage (Headbutt trees)
103ExeggutorCrystalEvolve Exeggcute (Leaf Stone)
104CuboneCrystalRock Tunnel (Morning/Day)
Goldenrod Game Corner
105MarowakCrystalRoutes 9, 10, Rock Tunnel (Morning/Day)
106HitmonleeCrystalEvolve Tyrogue (Attack higher than Defense)
107HitmonchanCrystalEvolve Tyrogue (Defense higher than Attack)
108LickitungCrystalRoute 44 (Morning/Day)
109KoffingCrystalBurned Tower
Team Rocket HQ
110WeezingCrystalBurned Tower
111RhyhornCrystalVictory Road (Morning/Day)
112RhydonCrystalVictory Road (Morning/Day)
113ChanseyCrystalRoutes 13, 14, 15
114TangelaCrystalRoutes 21, 28, 44, Mt. Silver
115KangaskhanCrystalRock Tunnel (Morning/Day)
116HorseaCrystalWhirl Islands (Surfing, Good Rod or Super Rod)
117SeadraCrystalWhirl Islands (Surfing or Super Rod)
118GoldeenCrystalRoute 4 (Surfing)
Dark Cave, Union Cave, Slowpoke Well (Fishing)
Routes 9, 10, 24, 25, 42, Mt. Mortar, Tohjo Falls, Mt. Silver, Cerulean City (Surfing and fishing)
119SeakingCrystalRoute 4, Cerulean City (Surfing)
Dark Cave, Union Cave, Slowpoke Well (Super Rod)
Routes 9, 10, 24, 25, 42, Mt. Mortar, Tohjo Falls, Mt. Silver (Surfing and Super Rod)
120StaryuCrystalRoutes 19, 34, 40, Olivine City, Cianwood City, Cherrygrove City, Union Cave (Good Rod and Super Rod) (Night)
121StarmieCrystalEvolve Staryu (Water Stone)
122Mr. MimeCrystalRoute 21 (Morning/Day)
123ScytherCrystalNational Park (Bug-Catching Contest)
124JynxCrystalIce Path (Morning/Day)
125ElectabuzzCrystalRoute 10
126MagmarCrystalMt. Silver (Morning/Day)
127PinsirCrystalNational Park (Bug-Catching Contest)
128TaurosCrystalRoutes 38, 39 (Morning/Day)
129MagikarpCrystalRoutes 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, New Bark Town, Pallet Town, Cherrygrove City, Cianwood City, Vermilion City, Cinnabar Island, Whirl Islands (Old Rod or Good Rod)
Routes 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 22, 24, 25, 28, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 40, 41, 42, 44, Violet City, Ecruteak City, Olivine City, Cerulean City, Viridian City, Ruins of Alph, Union Cave, Ilex Forest, Slowpoke Well, Mt. Mortar, Tohjo Falls, Mt. Silver (Fishing)
Routes 43, 45, Dark Cave, Lake of Rage, Blackthorn City, Dragon's Den, Fuchsia City (Surfing and
130GyaradosCrystalLake of Rage (Surfing, Good Rod, Super Rod, Red Gyarados)
Fuchsia City (Good Rod or Super Rod)
131LaprasCrystalUnion Cave (Weekly)
132DittoCrystalRoutes 34, 35
133EeveeCrystalReceived from Bill in Goldenrod City
134VaporeonCrystalEvolve Eevee (Water Stone)
135JolteonCrystalEvolve Eevee (Thunder Stone)
136FlareonCrystalEvolve Eevee (Fire Stone)
137PorygonCrystalCeladon Game Corner
138OmanyteCrystalTime Capsule, Event
139OmastarCrystalTime Capsule
140KabutoCrystalTime Capsule, Event
141KabutopsCrystalTime Capsule
142AerodactylCrystalTrade Chansey on Route 14
143SnorlaxCrystalVermillion City (Only one)
144ArticunoCrystalTime Capsule, Event
145ZapdosCrystalTime Capsule, Event
146MoltresCrystalTime Capsule, Event
147DratiniCrystalDragon's Den (Surfing, Good Rod, and Super Rod)
Route 45 (Good Rod and Super Rod)
Dragon's Den (Master's quiz)
148DragonairCrystalRoute 45, Dragon's Den (Super Rod)
149DragoniteCrystalEvolve Dragonair (Lv. 55)
150MewtwoCrystalTime Capsule, Event
153BayleefCrystalEvolve Chikorita (Lv. 16)
154MeganiumCrystalEvolve Bayleef (Lv. 32)
156QuilavaCrystalEvolve Cyndaquil (Lv. 14)
157TyphlosionCrystalEvolve Quilava (Lv. 36)
159CroconawCrystalEvolve Totodile (Lv. 18)
160FeraligatrCrystalEvolve Croconaw (Lv. 30)
161SentretCrystalRouets 1, 29, 43 (Morning/Day)
162FurretCrystalRoute 1, 43 (Morning/Day)
163HoothootCrystalRoutes 1, 2, 5, 25, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, Ilex Forest, National Park (Night)
Routes 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 43, Ilex Forest, National Park, Lake of Rage (Headbutt trees)
164NoctowlCrystalRoutes 2, 5, 8, 11, 13, 14, 15, 25, 26, 27, 37, 38, 39, 43 (Night)
Ilex Forest (Headbutt trees)
165LedybaCrystalRoutes 2, 30, 31, 36, and 37, National Park (Morning) Routes 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, and 39 (Headbutt trees)
166LedianCrystalRoutes 2, 3 (Morning)
167SpinarakCrystalRoutes 2, 30, 31, 36, 37, National Park (Night)
Routes 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 (Headbutt trees)
168AriadosCrystalRoute 2, 37 (Night)
169CrobatCrystalEvolve Golbat (High friendship)
170ChinchouCrystalRoutes 20, 21, 26, 27, 41, Olivine City, Vermilion City, Cinnabar Island, Pallet Town, New Bark Town (Good Rod or Super Rod)
171LanturnCrystalRoutes 20, 21, 26, 27, 41, Olivine City, Vermilion City, Pallet Town, New Bark Town, Cinnabar Island (Super Rod)
172PichuCrystalBreed Pikachu or Raichu
173CleffaCrystalBreed Clefairy or Clefable
174IgglybuffCrystalBreed Jigglypuff or Wigglytuff
175TogepiCrystalHatch Egg from Prof. Elm
176TogeticCrystalEvolve Togepi (High friendship)
177NatuCrystalRuins of Alph
178XatuCrystalTrade Haunter in Pewter City
182BellossomCrystalEvolve Gloom (Sun Stone)
183MarillCrystalMt. Mortar (Surfing)
Route 42, Mt. Mortar )Night)
184AzumarillCrystalEvolve Marill (Lv. 18)
185SudowoodoCrystalRoute 36 (Only one)
186PolitoedCrystalEvolve Poliwhirl (Traded with King's Rock)
187HoppipCrystalRoutes 11, 13, 14, 15, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 (Morning/Day)
188SkiploomCrystalRoute 14 (Morning/Day)
189JumpluffCrystalEvolve Skiploom (Lv. 27)
190AipomCrystalRoutes 33, 42, 44, Azalea Town (Headbutt trees)
191SunkernCrystalRoute 24, National Park (Day)
192SunfloraCrystalEvolve Sunkern (Sun Stone)
193YanmaCrystalRoute 35
194WooperCrystalRoute 32, Ruins of Alph, Union Cave (Night)
Ruins of Alph, Union Cave (Surfing)
195QuagsireCrystalRoutes 13, 14, 15, 26, 27, Ruins of Alph, Union Cave (Night)
Routes 12, 13, 32, Ruins of Alph, Union Cave (Surfing)
196EspeonCrystalEvolve Eevee (High Friendship (Day))
197UmbreonCrystalEvolve Eevee (High Friendship (Night))
198MurkrowCrystalRoutes 7, 16 (Night)
199SlowkingCrystalEvolve Slowpoke (Trade with King's Rock)
200MisdreavusCrystalMt. Silver (Night)
201UnownCrystalRuins of Alph
202WobbuffetCrystalDark Cave (Night), Goldenrod Game Corner
204PinecoCrystalRoutes 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 43, Lake of Rage, Ilex Forest (Headbutt trees)
205ForretressCrystalEvolve Pineco (Lv. 31)
206DunsparceCrystalDark Cave
207GligarCrystalRoute 45
208SteelixCrystalEvolve Onix (Trade with Metal Coat)
209SnubbullCrystalRoutes 5, 6, 7, 8, 34, 35 (Morning/Day)
210GranbullCrystalRoute 6 (Morning/Day)
211QwilfishCrystalRoutes 12, 13, 32 (Super Rod)
212ScizorCrystalEvolve Scyther (Trade with Metal Coat)
213ShuckleCrystalRoute 40, Cianwood City, Dark Cave (Rock Smash)
214HeracrossCrystalAzalea Town, Routes 33, 42, 44 (Headbutt trees)
215SneaselCrystalIce Path (Night)
216TeddiursaCrystalDark Cave (Morning)
217UrsaringCrystalDark Cave, Mt. Silver (Morning/Day)
218SlugmaCrystalRoutes 16, 17, 18 (Day)
219MagcargoCrystalEvolve Slugma (Lv. 38)
220SwinubCrystalIce Path (Morning/Day)
221PiloswineCrystalEvolve Swinub (Lv. 33)
222CorsolaCrystalRoutes 19, 34, 40, Olivine City, Cianwood City, Cerulean City, Cherrygrove City, Union Cave (Good Rod or Super Rod) (Morning/Day)
223RemoraidCrystalTrade, Event
225DelibirdCrystalIce Path (Night)
226MantineCrystalRoute 41
227SkarmoryCrystalRoute 45 (Morning/Day)
228HoundourCrystalRoute 7 (Night)
229HoundoomCrystalEvolve Houndour (Lv. 24)
230KingdraCrystalEvolve Seadra (Trade with Dragon Scale)
231PhanpyCrystalRoute 45, 46 (Morning)
232DonphanCrystalRoute 45 (Morning/Day)
233Porygon2CrystalEvolve Porygon (Trade with Upgrade)
234StantlerCrystalRoute 37 (Night)
235SmeargleCrystalRuins of Alph (Morning/Day)
236TyrogueCrystalReceived from Kiyo in Mt. Mortar
237HitmontopCrystalEvolve Tyrogue (Attack = Defense)
238SmoochumCrystalBreed Jynx
239ElekidCrystalBreed Electabuzz
240MagbyCrystalBreed Magmar
241MiltankCrystalRoutes 38, 39 (Morning/Day)
242BlisseyCrystalEvolve Chansey (High friendship)
243RaikouCrystalRoaming Johto
244EnteiCrystalRoaming Johto
245SuicuneCrystalRoaming Johto
246LarvitarCrystalMt. Silver (Morning/Day)
Celadon Game Corner
247PupitarCrystalSilver Cave (Morning/Day)
248TyranitarCrystalEvolve Pupitar (Lv. 55)
249LugiaCrystalWhirl Islands (Requires Silver Wing) (Only one)
250Ho-ohCrystalTin Tower (Requires Rainbow Wing) (Only one)
251CelebiCrystalIlex Forest (Requires GS Ball)

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