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Pearl Pokemon DEX, GEN, and location checklist


493 results. (1000 max)
DEX↕️ ✔️ Name↕️ Game↕️ Location↕
4CharmanderPearlTrade, Event
5CharmeleonPearlTrade, Evolve Charmander (Lv. 16)
10CaterpiePearlRoute 204 (FireRed)
11MetapodPearlEterna Forest (FireRed)
12ButterfreePearlEvolve Metapod (Lv. 10)
13WeedlePearlRoute 204 (LeafGreen)
14KakunaPearlEterna Forest (LeafGreen)
15BeedrillPearlEvolve Kakuna (Lv. 10)
16PidgeyPearlRoute 229 (Swarm)
17PidgeottoPearlEvolve Pidgey (Lv. 18)
18PidgeotPearlEvolve Pidgeotto (Lv. 36)
19RattataPearlRoutes 225, 226
20RaticatePearlRoutes 225, 226
21SpearowPearlRoutes 225, 226
22FearowPearlRoutes 225, 226, 227, Stark Mountain
23EkansPearlRoute 212 (FireRed)
24ArbokPearlGreat Marsh (FireRed)
25PikachuPearlTrophy Garden
26RaichuPearlEvolve Pikachu (Thunder Stone)
27SandshrewPearlWayward Cave (LeafGreen)
28SandslashPearlRoute 228 (LeafGreen)
29NidoranFPearlRoute 201 (Poke Rader)
30NidorinaPearlRoute 221, Valor Lakefront (Poke Radar)
31NidoqueenPearlEvolve Nidorina (Moon Stone)
32NidoranMPearlRoute 201 (Poke Radar)
33NidorinoPearlRoute 221, Valor Lakefront (Poke Radar)
34NidokingPearlEvolve Nidorino (Moon Stone)
35ClefairyPearlMt. Coronet, Trophy Garden
36ClefablePearlEvolve Clefairy (Moon Stone)
37VulipxPearlRoutes 209, 214 (LeafGreen)
38NinetalesPearlEvolve Vulpix (Fire Stone)
39JigglypuffPearlTrophy Garden
40WigglytuffPearlEvolve Jigglypuff (Moon Stone)
41ZubatPearlIron Island, Oreburgh Mine, Wayward Cave, Lost Tower (Walking)
Routes 203, 204, 206, 207, 208, 209, 211, 216, 217, Acuity Lakefront (Tall grass) (Night)
Ravaged Path, Oreburgh Gate, Mt. Coronet (Surfing and walking)
42GolbatPearlRavaged Path, Oreburgh Gate, Victory Road, Mt. Coronet (Surfing)
Stark Mountain, Mt. Coronet, Victory Road, Iron Island, Snowpoint Temple, Lost Tower, Turnback Cave
Route 227 (Night)
43OddishPearlRoutes 229, 230
44GloomPearlRoutes 224, 229, 230
45VileplumePearlEvolve Gloom (Leaf Stone)
46ParasPearlGreat Marsh
47ParasectPearlEvolve Paras (Lv. 24)
48VenonatPearlRoute 229 (Poke Radar)
49VenomothPearlRoute 229 (Poke Radar)
50DiglettPearlRoute 228
51DugtrioPearlRoute 228
52MeowthPearlTrophy Garden
53PersianPearlEvolve Meowth (Lv. 28)
54PsyduckPearlRoutes 203, 204, 205, 208, 209, 210, 212, 214, Twinleaf Town, Eterna City, Lake Verity, Celestic Town (Surfing)
Routes 208, 210, Lake Acuity, Lake Valor, Great Marsh
Oreburgh Gate, Ravaged Path (Walking and surfing)
55GolduckPearlRoutes 203, 204, 205, 208, 209, 210, 212, 214, 225, Twinleaf Town, Eterna City, Celestic Town, Ravaged Path, Oreburgh Gate, Lake Verity, Lake Acuity, Lake Valor, Sendoff Spring, Resort Area (Surfing)
Routes 226, 230, Great Marsh, Sendoff Spring
56MankeyPearlRoutes 225, 226 (Poke Radar)
57PrimeapePearlRoutes 225, 226 (Poke Radar)
58GrowlithePearlRoutes 201, 202 (FireRed)
59ArcaninePearlEvolve Growlithe (Fire Stone)
60PoliwagPearlRoute 225 (Good Rod)
Routes 227, 228 (Surfing)
61PoliwhirlPearlRoute 225 (Super Rod)
Routes 227, 228 (Surfing)
62PoliwrathPearlEvolve Poliwhirl (Water Stone)
63AbraPearlRoutes 203, 215
Trade Machop in Oreburgh City
64KadabraPearlRoute 215, Victory Road
65AlakazamPearlEvolve Kadabra (Trade)
66MachopPearlRoutes 207, 208, 210, Mt. Coronet
67MachokePearlRoutes 210, 211, 216, 217, 225, 226, Stark Mountain, Mt. Coronet, Victory Road, Acuity Lakefront
68MachampPearlEvolve Machoke (Trade)
69BellsproutPearlRoutes 229, 230
70WeepinbellPearlRoutes 224, 229, 230
71VictreebelPearlEvolve Weepinbell (Leaf Stone)
72TentacoolPearlRoutes 205, 213, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, Canalave City, Pastoria City, Fuego Ironworks, Valley Windworks, Iron Island (Surfing)
73TentacruelPearlRoutes 205, 213, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 226, 230, Pastoria City, Canalave City, Sunyshore City, Valley Windworks, Fuego Ironworks, Iron Island, Pokémon League (Surfing)
74GeodudePearlRoutes 206, 207, 210, 211, 214, 215, Oreburgh Gate, Ruin Maniac Cave, Oreburgh Mine, Iron Island, Mt. Coronet, Maniac Tunnel, Ravaged Path, Stark Mountain, Valor Lakefront, Wayward Cave
75GravelerPearlRoutes 211, 214, 216, 227, Valor Lakefront, Iron Island, Mt. Coronet, Victory Road, Stark Mountain, Snowpoint Templ
76GolemPearlEvolve Graveler (Trade)
77PonytaPearlRoutes 206, 210, 211, 214, 215
78RapidashPearlEvolve Ponyta (Lv. 40)
79SlowpokePearlRoute 205 (Poke Radar)
80SlowbroPearlEvolve Slowpoke (Lv. 37)
81MagnemitePearlFuego Ironworks (Swarm)
82MagnetonPearlEvolve Magnemite (Lv. 30)
83Farfetch'dPearlRoute 221 (Swarm)
84DoduoPearlRoute 201 (Swarm)
85DodrioPearlEvolve Doduo (Lv. 31)
88GrimerPearlRoute 212 (Poke Radar)
89MukPearlEvolve Grimer (Lv. 38)
90ShellderPearlRoute 205 (Floaroma Town side), Valley Windworks, Fuego Ironworks (Super Rod)
91CloysterPearlEvolve Shellder (Water Stone)
92GastlyPearlOld Chateau, Lost Tower
Route 209 (Night)
93HaunterPearlTurnback Cave
Trade Medicham in Snowpoint City
Old Chateau (Any gen III game)
94GengarPearlOld Chateau (Any gen III game)
95OnixPearlIron Island, Snowpoint Temple, Oreburgh Mine, Victory Road, Stark Mountain
96DrowzeePearlRoute 215 (Swarm)
97HypnoPearlEvolve Drowzee (Lv. 26)
98KrabbyPearlRoute 226 (Swarm)
99KinglerPearlEvolve Krabby (Lv. 28)
100VoltorbPearlRoute 218 (Swarm)
101ElectrodePearlEvolve Voltorb (Lv. 30)
102ExeggcutePearlGreat Marsh
103ExeggutorPearlEvolve Exeggcute (Leaf Stone)
104CubonePearlRoute 203 (Swarm)
105MarowakPearlEvolve Cubone (Lv. 28)
106HitmonleePearlEvolve Tyrogue (Attack higher than Defense)
107HitmonchanPearlEvolve Tyrogue (Defense higher than Attack)
108LickitungPearlLake Valor (Swarm)
109KoffingPearlBreed Weezing
110WeezingPearlRoute 227, Stark Mountain
111RhyhornPearlRoute 227, Stark Mountain
112RhydonPearlRoutes 227, 228, Stark Mountain
113ChanseyPearlRoutes 209, 210, Trophy Garden
114TangelaPearlTrade, Breed event Tangrowth
115KangaskhanPearlGreat Marsh
116HorseaPearlRoute 226 (Good Rod)
117SeadraPearlRoute 226 (Super Rod)
118GoldeenPearlRoutes 203, 204, 209, 212, 214, Lake Acuity, Lake Verity, Twinleaf Town, Lake Valor, Resort Area, Sendoff Spring (Good Rod)
119SeakingPearlRoutes 203, 204, 209, 212, 214, Lake Acuity, Lake Verity, Twinleaf Town, Lake Valor, Resort Area, Sendoff Spring (Super Rod)
120StaryuPearlSunyshore City, Canalave City (Super Rod)
121StarmiePearlEvolve Staryu (Water Stone)
122Mr. MimePearlEvolve Mime Jr. (Level up knowing Mimic)
124JynxPearlEvolve Smoochum (Lv,. 30)
125ElectabuzzPearlEvolve Elekid (Lv. 30)
126MagmarPearlEvolve Magby (Lv. 30)
127PinsirPearlRoute 229
128TaurosPearlRoutes 209, 210 (Poke Radar)
129MagikarpPearlRoutes 203, 204, 205, 208, 209, 210, 212, 213, 214, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, Twinleaf Town, Eterna City, Canalave City, Celestic Town, Pastoria City, Sunyshore City, Lake Verity, Lake Acuity, Lake Valor, Ravaged Path, Valley Windworks, Mt. Coronet, Iron Island, Great Marsh, Sendoff Spring, Pokémon League, Victory Road, Fuego Ironworks, Oreburgh Gate, Resort Area (Old Rod or Good Rod)
130GyaradosPearlGreat Marsh (Good Rod or Super Rod)
Routes 203, 204, 205, 208, 209, 210, 212, 213, 214, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, Twinleaf Town, Eterna City, Canalave City, Celestic Town, Pastoria City, Sunyshore City, Lake Verity, Lake Acuity, Lake Valor, Ravaged Path, Valley Windworks, Mt. Coronet, Iron Island, Sendoff Spring, Pokémon League, Victory Road, Fuego Ironworks, Oreburgh Gate, Resort Area (Super Rod)
131LaprasPearlVictory Road (Surfing)
132DittoPearlRoute 218 (Poke Radar)
133EeveePearlReceived from Bebe in Hearthome City
Trophy Garden
134VaporeonPearlEvolve Eevee (Water Stone)
135JolteonPearlEvolve Eevee (Thunder Stone)
136FlareonPearlEvolve Eevee (Fire Stone)
137PorygonPearlTrophy Garden
138OmanytePearlHelix Fossil
139OmastarPearlEvolve Omanyte (Lv. 40)
140KabutoPearlDome Fossil
141KabutopsPearlEvolve Kabuto (Lv. 40)
142AerodactylPearlOld Amber
143SnorlaxPearlEvolve Munchlax (High friendship)
147DratiniPearlMt. Coronet (Super Rod)
148DragonairPearlMt. Coronet (Super Rod)
149DragonitePearlEvolve Dragonair (Lv. 55)
161SentretPearlRoute 202 (Poke Radar)
162FurretPearlEvolve Sentret (Lv. 15)
163HoothootPearlRoutes 210, 211, Great Marsh (Night)
164NoctowlPearlRoutes 210, 211, 216, 217, Acuity Lakefront, Lake Acuity, Mt. Coronet, Great Marsh, Lake Valor, Sendoff Spring (Night)
165LedybaPearlBreed Ledian
166LedianPearlRoute 229 (Morning)
167SpinarakPearlBreed Ariados
168AriadosPearlRoute 229 (Night)
169CrobatPearlEvolve Golbat (High friendship)
170ChinchouPearlRoute 220 (Super Rod)
171LanturnPearlRoute 220 (Super Rod)
172PichuPearlTrophy Garden
173CleffaPearlMt. Coronet, Trophy Garden
174IgglybuffPearlTrophy Garden
175TogepiPearlRoute 230 (Poke Radar)
176TogeticPearlEvolve Togepi (High friendship)
177NatuPearlRoute 224 (Swarm)
178XatuPearlEvolve Natu (Lv. 25)
179MareepPearlValley Windworks (Poke Radar)
180FlaaffyPearlRoute 222 (Poke Radar)
181AmpharosPearlEvolve Flaaffy (Lv. 30)
182BellossomPearlEvolve Gloom (Sun Stone)
183MarillPearlGreat Marsh, Trophy Garden
184AzumarillPearlEvolve Marill (Lv. 18)
185SudowoodoPearlRoutes 214, 221
186PolitoedPearlEvolve Poliwhirl (Traded with King's Rock)
187HoppipPearlRoute 205 (South), Fuego Ironworks (Poké Radar)
188SkiploomPearlFuego Ironworks (Poké Radar)
189JumpluffPearlEvolve Skiploom (Lv. 27)
190AipomPearlRoutes 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 218, 221, 222, Eterna Forest, Floaroma Meadow, Fuego Ironworks, Valley Windworks (Honey Trees)
191SunkernPearlNorthern Route 204 (Poke Radar)
192SunfloraPearlEvolve Sunkern (Sun Stone)
193YanmaPearlGreat Marsh
194WooperPearlRoute 212, Great Marsh
195QuagsirePearlRoute 212, Great Marsh (Surfing)
Great Marsh (Tall grass)
196EspeonPearlEvolve Eevee (High Friendship (Day))
197UmbreonPearlEvolve Eevee (High Friendship (Night))
199SlowkingPearlEvolve Slowpoke (Trade with King's Rock)
200MisdreavusPearlEterna Forest, Lost Tower (Night)
201UnownPearlSolaceon Ruins
202WobbuffetPearlLake Verity, Lake Acuity, Lake Valor (Poke Radar)
203GirafarigPearlRoute 214, Valor Lakefront
204PinecoPearlRoutes 203, 204, 210, 229, Eterna Forest (Emerald)
205ForretressPearlEvolve Pineco (Lv. 31)
206DunsparcePearlRoute 208 (Swarm)
207GligarPearlRoutes 206, 207, 214, 215, 227, Stark Mountain (Emerald)
208SteelixPearlVictory Road, Iron Island, Snowpoint Temple
209SnubbullPearlRoute 209 (Swarm)
210GranbullPearlEvolve Snubbull (Lv. 23)
211QwilfishPearlIron Island (Super Rod)
212ScizorPearlTrade, Event
213ShucklePearlRoute 224 (Emerald)
214HeracrossPearlRoutes 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 218, 221, 222, Eterna Forest, Floaroma Meadow, Fuego Ironworks, Valley Windworks (Honey Trees)
215SneaselPearlRoutes 216, 217, Acuity Lakefront, Lake Acuity, Snowpoint Temple
216TeddiursaPearlRoute 211, Acuity Lakefront (Emerald)
217UrsaringPearlRoutes 216, 217, Lake Acuity (Emerald)
218SlugmaPearlStark Mountain
219MagcargoPearlStark Mountain
220SwinubPearlRoute 217 (Swarm)
221PiloswinePearlEvolve Swinub (Lv. 33)
222CorsolaPearlRoute 230 (Swarm)
223RemoraidPearlRoutes 213, 222, 223, 224, 230, Pastoria City, Sunyshore City, Pokémon League (Good Rod)
224OctilleryPearlRoutes 213, 222, 223, 224, 230, Pastoria City, Sunyshore City, Pokémon League (Super Rod)
225DelibirdPearlRoute 216 (Swarm)
226MantinePearlEvolve Mantyke (Level with Remoraid in party)
227SkarmoryPearlRoute 227, Stark Mountain
228HoundourPearlBreed Houndoom
229HoundoomPearlRoute 214, 215 (Poke Radar)
230KingdraPearlEvolve Seadra (Trade with Dragon Scale)
231PhanpyPearlRoute 207 (Swarm)
232DonphanPearlEvolve Phanpy (Lv. 25)
233Porygon2PearlEvolve Porygon (Trade with Upgrade)
234StantlerPearlRoute 207 (Poke Radar)
235SmearglePearlRoute 212 (North) (Poke Radar)
236TyroguePearlRoutes 208, 211 (Poke Radar)
237HitmontopPearlEvolve Tyrogue (Attack = Defense)
238SmoochumPearlLake Acuity (Swarm)
239ElekidPearlRoute 205, Valley Windworks (FireRed)
240MagbyPearlRoute 227, Stark Mountain (LeafGreen)
241MiltankPearlRoutes 209, 210 (Poke Radar)
242BlisseyPearlEvolve Chansey (High friendship)
263ZigzagoonPearlRoute 202 (Swarm)
264LinoonePearlEvolve Zigzagoon (Lv. 20)
265WurmplePearlEterna Forest
Routes 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 218, 221, 222, Eterna Forest, Floaroma Meadow, Fuego Ironworks, Valley Windworks (Honey Trees)
266SilcoonPearlEvolve Wurmple (Lv. 7)
267BeautiflyPearlRoute 224
268CascoonPearlEterna Forest
Routes 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 218, 221, 222, Eterna Forest, Floaroma Meadow, Fuego Ironworks, Valley Windworks (Honey Trees)
269DustoxPearlRoute 230, Eterna Forest
270LotadPearlRoutes 203, 204, 205, 212 (Sapphire)
271LombrePearlRoutes 212, 229 (Sapphire)
272LudicoloPearlEvolve Lombre (Water Stone)
273SeedotPearlRoutes 203, 204, 210, Eterna Forest (Ruby)
274NuzleafPearlRoutes 210, 229 (Ruby)
275ShiftryPearlEvolve Nuzleaf (Leaf Stone)
276TaillowPearlBreed Swellow
277SwellowPearlRoute 213 (Poke Radar)
278WingullPearlRoutes 213, 218, 221, 222, Fuego Ironworks (Grass)
Routes 205, 213, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 229, Canalave City, Fuego Ironworks, Iron Island, Pastoria City, Valley Windworks (Surfing)
279PelipperPearlRoutes 205, 213, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 226, 229, 230, Canalave City, Fuego Ironworks, Iron Island, Pastoria City, Pokémon League, Sunyshore City, Valley Windworks (Surfing)
280RaltsPearlRoutes 203, 204 (Poke Radar)
281KirliaPearlRoutes 203, 204 (Poke Radar)
282GardevoirPearlEvolve Kirlia (Lv. 30)
283SurskitPearlLake Verity (Swarm)
284MasquerainPearlEvolve Surskit (Lv. 22)
285ShroomishPearlGreat Marsh
286BreloomPearlEvolve Shroomish (Lv. 23)
287SlakothPearlEterna Forest (Swarm)
288VigorothPearlEvolve Slakoth (Lv. 18)
289SlakingPearlEvolve Vigoroth (Lv. 36)
290NincadaPearlEterna Forest (Poke Radar)
291NinjaskPearlEvolve Nincada (Lv. 20)
292ShedinjaPearlEvolve Nincada (Lv. 20 with empty slot in party and spare Poke Ball)
293WhismurPearlBreed Loudred or Exploud
294LoudredPearlMt. Coronet (Poke Radar)
295ExploudPearlEvolve Loudred (Lv. 40)
296MakuhitaPearlRoute 225 (Swarm)
297HariyamaPearlEvolve Makuhita (Lv. 24)
298AzurillPearlTrophy Garden, Great Marsh
299NosepassPearlRoute 206 (Swarm)
300SkittyPearlRoute 222 (Swarm)
301DelcattyPearlEvolve Skitty (Moon Stone)
302SableyePearlIron Island (Sapphire)
303MawilePearlIron Island (Ruby)
307MedititePearlRoutes 208, 210, 211, 216, 217, Acuity Lakefront, Mt. Coronet
308MedichamPearlRoute 217, Acuity Lakefront, Mt. Coronet, Victory Road
309ElectrikePearlValley Windworks (Swarm)
310ManectricPearlEvolve Electric (Lv. 26)
311PluslePearlTrophy Garden
312MinunPearlTrophy Garden
313VolbeatPearlRoute 229
314IllumisePearlRoute 229
315RoseliaPearlRoutes 212, 221, 224, 225, Trophy Garden, Great Marsh
316GulpinPearlGreat Marsh
317SwalotPearlEvolve Gulping (Lv. 26)
318CarvanhaPearlGreat Marsh
319SharpedoPearlRoutes 213, 222 (Super Rod)
320WailmerPearlRoutes 223, 230 (Super Rod)
321WailordPearlRoutes 223, 230 (Super Rod)
322NumelPearlRoute 227, Stark Mountain
323CameruptPearlRoute 227, Stark Mountain
324TorkoalPearlRoute 227, Stark Mountain (Poké Radar)
325SpoinkPearlRoute 214 (Swarm)
326GrumpigPearlEvolve Spoink (Lv. 32)
327SpindaPearlRoute 227 (Swarm)
328TrapinchPearlRoute 228 (Poké Radar)
329VibravaPearlRoute 228 (Poké Radar)
330FlygonPearlEvolve Vibrava (Lv. 45)
331CacneaPearlRoute 228
332CacturnePearlRoute 228
333SwabluPearlRoute 211 (Poke Radar)
334AltariaPearlEvolve Swablu (Lv. 35)
335ZangoosePearlRoutes 208, 210 (Ruby)
336SeviperPearlRoutes 208, 210 (Sapphire)
337LunatonePearlLake Verity, Lake Acuity, Lake Valor, Mt. Coronet, Sendoff Spring, Turnback Cave (Sapphire)
338SolrockPearlLake Verity, Lake Acuity, Lake Valor, Mt. Coronet, Sendoff Spring, Turnback Cave (Ruby)
339BarboachPearlRoutes 205, 208, 210, 212, 227, 228, Celestic Town, Eterna City, Great Marsh, Mt. Coronet, Oreburgh Gate, Ravaged Path (Good Rod)
340BarboachPearlRoutes 205, 208, 210, 212, 227, 228, Celestic Town, Eterna City, Great Marsh, Mt. Coronet, Oreburgh Gate, Ravaged Path (Super Rod)
341CorphishPearlCelestic Town (Super Rod)
342CrawdauntPearlCelestic Town (Super Rod)
343BaltoyPearlRoute 206 (Poke Radar)
344ClaydolPearlEvolve Baltoy (Lv. 36)
345LileepPearlRoot Fossil
346CradilyPearlEvolve Lileep (Lv. 40)
347AnorithPearlClaw Fossil
348ArmaldoPearlEvolve Anorith (Lv. 40)
349FeebasPearlMt. Coronet (Four fishing spots)
350MiloticPearlEvolve Feebas (High beauty)
351CastformPearlTrophy Garden
353ShuppetPearlBreed Banette
354BanettePearlRoutes 225, 226, 227, Stark Mountain (Night)
355DuskullPearlRoute 224 (Poké Radar)
356DusclopsPearlRoute 224 (Poke Radar)
358ChimechoPearlSendoff Spring, Mt. Coronet
359AbsolPearlRoute 213 (Swarm)
360WynautPearlBreed Wobbuffet (Lax Incense)
361SnoruntPearlRoutes 216, 217, Acuity Lakefront (Poké Radar)
362GlaliePearlEvolve Snorunt (Lv. 42)
363SphealPearlRoutes 226, 230
364SealeoPearlRoutes 226, 230
365WalreinPearlEvolve Sealeo (Lv. 44)
366ClamperlPearlRoutes 219, 221 (Super Rod)
367HuntailPearlEvolve Clamperl (Trade with Deep Sea Tooth)
368GorebyssPearlEvolve Clamperl (Trade with Deep Sea Scale)
369RelicanthPearlRoute 226 (Super Rod)
370LuvdiscPearlRoute 224, Pokémon League (Super Rod)
371BagonPearlRoute 210 (Poke Radar)
372ShelgonPearlEvolve Bagon (Lv. 30)
373SalamencePearlEvolve Shelgon (Lv. 50)
374BeldumPearlRoute 228 (Swarm)
375MetangPearlEvolve Beldum (Lv. 20)
376MetagrossPearlEvolve Metang (Lv. 45)
388GrotlePearlEvolve Turtwig (Lv. 18)
389TorterraPearlEvolve Grotle (Lv. 32)
391MonfernoPearlEvolve Chimchar (Lv. 14)
392InfernapePearlEvolve Monferno (Lv. 36)
394PrinplupPearlEvolve Piplup (Lv. 16)
395EmpoleonPearlEvolve Prinplup (Lv. 36)
396StarlyPearlRoutes 201, 202, 203, 204, 209, 212, Lake Verity, Great Marsh
397StaraviaPearlRoutes 209, 212, Lake Verity, Lake Valor, Trophy Garden, Sendoff Spring, Great Marsh, Valor Lakefront
398StaraptorPearlEvolve Staravia (Lv. 34)
399BidoofPearlRoutes 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 208, 211, Lake Verity, Great Marsh, Valley Windworks
400BibarelPearlLake Verity (Any Gen III game)
Routes 208, 209, 210, 212, Lake Valor, Sendoff Spring, Great Marsh, Lake Acuity, Valor Lakefront
401KricketotPearlRoutes 202, 203, 204, 206, 207 (Morning/Night)
402KricketunePearlRoutes 206, 210, 212, 214, 215, Trophy Garden, Valor Lakefront
403ShinxPearlRoutes 202, 203, 204, Fuego Ironworks
404LuxioPearlFuego Ironworks
405LuxrayPearlEvolve Luxio (Lv. 30)
406BudewPearlRoutes 204, 212, Eterna Forest, Great Marsh
407RoseradePearlEvolve Roselia (Shiny Stone)
410ShieldonPearlArmor Fossil
411BastiodonPearlEvolve Shieldon (Lv. 30)
412BurmyPearlRoutes 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 218, 221, 222, Eterna Forest, Floaroma Meadow, Fuego Ironworks, Valley Windworks (Honey Trees)
413WormadamPearlEvolve Burmy (Lv. 20, female)
414MothimPearlEvolve Burmy (Lv. 20, male)
415CombeePearlRoutes 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 218, 221, 222, Eterna Forest, Floaroma Meadow, Fuego Ironworks, Valley Windworks (Honey Trees)
416VespiquenPearlEvolve Combee (Lv. 21, female)
417PachirisuPearlRoute 205, Fuego Ironworks, Valley Windworks
418BuizelPearlRoutes 205, 213, 224, Valley Windworks
419FloatzelPearlRoutes 213, 218, 221, 222, 224, 230, Fuego Ironworks, Victory Road
420CherubiPearlRoutes 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 218, 221, 222, Eterna Forest, Floaroma Meadow, Fuego Ironworks, Valley Windworks (Honey Trees)
421CherrimPearlEvolve Cherubi (Lv. 25)
422ShellosPearlRoutes 205, 218, 221, Fuego Ironworks, Valley Windworks (Tall grass; West Sea)
Route 205 (Surfing; West Sea)
Routes 213 and 224 (Tall grass; East Sea)
423GastrodonPearlRoutes 218, 221, Fuego Ironworks (Tall grass; West Sea)
Routes 222, 224, 230 (Tall grass; East Sea)
424AmbipomPearlEvolve Aipom (Level with Double Hit)
425DrifloonPearlValley Windworks
426DrifblimPearlEvolve Drifloon (Lv. 28)
427BunearyPearlEterna Forest
428LopunnyPearlEvolve Buneary (High friendship)
429MismagiusPearlEvolve Misdreavus (Dusk Stone)
431GlameowPearlRoute 218, 222
432PuruglyPearlRoutes 222, 229
433ChinglingPearlRoute 211, Lake Valor, Mt. Coronet, Lake Acuity
436BronzorPearlRoute 206, Wayward Cave, Turnback Cave, Mt. Coronet
437BronzongPearlTurnback Cave, Mt. Coronet
438BonslyPearlRoutes 209, 210, Trophy Garden
439Mime Jr.PearlTrophy Garden
440HappinyPearlTrophy Garden
441ChatotPearlRoutes 222, 224 (Morning/Day)
Trade Buizel at Eterna Condominiums
442SpiritombPearlHallowed Tower on Route 209
443GiblePearlWayward Cave (secret area under Cycling Road)
444GabitePearlEvolve Gible (Lv. 24)
445GarchompPearlEvolve Gabite (Lv. 48)
446MunchlaxPearlRoutes 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 218, 221, 222, Eterna Forest, Floaroma Meadow, Fuego Ironworks, Valley Windworks (Honey Trees)
447RioluPearlHatch Egg from Riley in Iron Island
448LucarioPearlEvolve Riolu (High friendship during the day)
449HippopotasPearlManiac Tunnel
450HippowdonPearlRoute 228
451SkorupiPearlGreat Marsh
452DrapionPearlGreat Marsh
453CroagunkPearlGreat Marsh
454ToxicroakPearlGreat Marsh
455CarnivinePearlGreat Marsh
456FinneonPearlRoutes 205, 218, 219, 220, 221, Fuego Ironworks, Iron Island, Canalave City, Valley Windworks (Good Rod)
457LumineonPearlRoutes 205, 218, 219, 220, 221, Fuego Ironworks, Iron Island, Canalave City, Valley Windworks (Super Rod)
458MantykePearlRoute 223, Sunyshore City (Surfing)
459SnoverPearlRoutes 216, 217, Acuity Lakefront, Mt. Coronet (Peak)
460AbomasnowPearlMt. Coronet (Peak)
461WeavilePearlEvolve Sneasel (Level with Razor Claw at night)
462MagnezonePearlEvolve Magneton (Special Magnetic Field)
463LickilickyPearlEvolve Lickitung (Level with Rollout)
464RhyperiorPearlEvolve Rhydon (Trade with Protector)
465TangrowthPearlTrade, Event
466ElectivirePearlEvolve Electabuzz (Trade with Electirizer)
467MagmortarPearlEvolve Magmar (Trade with Magmarizer)
468TogekissPearlEvolve Togetic (Shiny Stone)
469YanmegaPearlEvolve Yanma (Level with Ancient Power)
470LeafeonPearlEvolve Eevee (Moss Rock)
471GlaceonPearlEvolve Eevee (Ice Rock)
472GliscorPearlEvolve Gligar (Level with Razor Fang at night)
473MamoswinePearlEvolve Piloswine (Level up with Ancient Power)
474Porygon-ZPearlEvolve Porygon2 (Trade with Dubious Disc)
475GalladePearlEvolve Kirlia (Male, Dawn Stone)
476ProbopassPearlEvolve Nosepass (Special Magnetic Field)
477DusknoirPearlEvolve Dusclops (Trade with Reaper Cloth)
478FroslassPearlEvolve Snorunt (Female, Dawn Stone)
479RotomPearlTV in Old Chateau (Night)
480UxiePearlAcuity Cavern (Only one)
481MespritPearlRoaming Sinnoh (Only one)
482AzelfPearlValor Cavern (Only one)
484PalkiaPearlSpear Pillar (Only one)
485HeatranPearlStark Mountain (Only one)
486RegigigasPearlSnowpoint Temple (requires the three Legendary titans) (Only one)
487GiratinaPearlTurnback Cave (Only one)
488CresseliaPearlRoaming Sinnoh (Only one)
489PhionePearlBreed Manaphy
490ManaphyPearlReceived from Pokémon Ranger from Fiore, Almia, or Oblivia (Egg)
491DarkraiPearlNewmoon Island (requires Member Card) (Only one)
492ShayminPearlFlower Paradise (requires Oak's Letter) (Only one)

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