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Hitmonchan Pokemon DEX, GEN, and location checklist


33 results. (1000 max)
DEX↕️ ✔️ Name↕️ Game↕️ Location↕
107HitmonchanWhiteEvolve Tyrogue (Defense higher than Attack)
107HitmonchanXEvolve Tyrogue (Defense higher than Attack)
107HitmonchanYEvolve Tyrogue (Defense higher than Attack)
107HitmonchanOmegaRubyEvolve Tyrogue (Defense higher than Attack)
107HitmonchanAlphaSapphireEvolve Tyrogue (Defense higher than Attack)
107HitmonchanBlackEvolve Tyrogue (Defense higher than Attack)
107HitmonchanLetsGoPikachuReceived from the master of the Fighting Dojo in Saffron City
Victory Road
107HitmonchanLetsGoEeveeReceived from the master of the Fighting Dojo in Saffron City
Victory Road
107HitmonchanSwordRolling Fields, South Lake Miloch, Stony Wilderness (Max Raid Battle)
107HitmonchanShieldDusty Bowl
Rolling Fields, South Lake Miloch, Stony Wilderness (Max Raid Battle)
107HitmonchanSwSh-DLCMax Lair (Dynamax Adventure)
107HitmonchanRedReceived from the master of the Fighting Dojo in Saffron City
107HitmonchanSoulSilverEvolve Tyrogue (Defense higher than Attack)
107HitmonchanHeartGoldEvolve Tyrogue (Defense higher than Attack)
107HitmonchanPlatinumEvolve Tyrogue (Defense higher than Attack)
107HitmonchanPearlEvolve Tyrogue (Defense higher than Attack)
107HitmonchanDiamondEvolve Tyrogue (Defense higher than Attack)
107HitmonchanLeafGreenEvolve Tyrogue (Defense higher than Attack)
107HitmonchanFireRedReceived from the master of the Fighting Dojo in Saffron City
107HitmonchanCrystalEvolve Tyrogue (Defense higher than Attack)
107HitmonchanSilverEvolve Tyrogue (Defense higher than Attack)
107HitmonchanGoldEvolve Tyrogue (Defense higher than Attack)
107HitmonchanYellowReceived from the master of the Fighting Dojo in Saffron City
107HitmonchanBlueReceived from the master of the Fighting Dojo in Saffron City

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