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Conan Exiles All NPC Follower Perks list table

Showing 325
Name↕️ Type↕ Description↕ Level↕ Stats↕
Acidic SpittleArachnidThe ranged attacks of your follower are particularly effective.15Athleticism 5
Acidic SpittleInsectThe ranged attacks of your follower are particularly effective.15Athleticism 5
AlphaCanineA voracious appetite has granted your follower greatly enhanced vitality.20Health 10
AlphaFelineA voracious appetite has granted your follower greatly enhanced vitality.20Health 10
AlphaReptileA voracious appetite has granted your follower greatly enhanced vitality.20Health 10
Angry DrunkHumanYour follower has brawn but a lower constitution due to excessive drinking.15Might 8 Health -5
Ant AspectInsectYour follower has gained increased vitality.0Health 5
Apex PredatorCanineYour follower possesses great strength and even sharper claws.20Might 10
Apex PredatorFelineYour follower possesses great strength and even sharper claws.20Might 10
Apex PredatorReptileYour follower has a fondness for tearing enemies limb from limb.20Might 10
Apex PredatorThorThor gains increased melee damage, health and armor.20Health 5 Might 5 Stamina 5
Arms like TrunksFrostGiantYour follower has a natural affinity for lifting things and cracking skulls open in close combat.15Might 5
AssassinHumanYour follower has studied the arts of assassination, granting them both agility and strength.0Athleticism 3 Might 3
Bad Dog!AriesAries bites things. Aries bites a lot of things very hard and often refuses to let go.20Might 25
Barbed LegsArachnidYour follower has unnaturally strong limbs and they know how to use them.15Might 5
Bark DietRhinoA diet consisting mostly of bark has given your follower increased vitality.0Health 5
Bark DietTurtleYour follower has been bred well and is healthier as a result.10Health 3
Barrens TravelerHumanLiving in the Exiled lands has hardened your follower, granting them increased health and agility.0Health 3 Athleticism 3
Battle ChickenBirdYour follower has a very sharp beak and instincts going back millenia for how to use it.10Might 3
Bear AttackOskarOskar was mauled by a bear and his hatred for wild creatures has increased ten-fold.15Might 10 Health 5 Stamina -5
Bee-StingOskarOskar got stung in the eye by a bee. Now, Oskar hates anything that moves, and most things that don't.10Might 5 Stamina 2 Health 5 Athleticism 2
Bereft of LifeUndeadSurvival is for the living. Unsurvival is like that but better.15Health 5
Big BonedUndeadYour followers bones will not break easily and grant additional damage reduction.15Stamina 5
Bird BrainBirdYour follower is too dumb to know when it is hurt, granting them increased health.0Health 5
Bird of PreyBirdYour follower is very flexible and can shrug off damage more easily.20Stamina 10
BlessedFrostGiantYour follower has been touched by Ymir and granted additional vitality.10Metabolism 5
BlessedHumanYour follower has been touched by the gods and granted additional vitality.10Health 15
Blessed by YmirFrostGiantYour follower has been touched by the gods and granted additional vitality.15Health 5
Born SurvivorHumanYour follower was born with an iron constitution.15Health 5
Born WarriorFrostGiantYour follower is very competent in a fight and has gained increased vitality and strength.0Might 5 Health 5
Born WarriorHumanYour follower is very competent in a fight and has gained increased vitality and strength.0Health 3 Might 3
BrawnyHumanYour follower has a natural affinity for lifting things and cracking skulls open in close combat.15Might 5
Bred for DestructionInsectYour follower has unnaturally strong limbs and they know how to use them.20Might 10
Bred for SurvivalKojiKoji can eat almost anything without suffering any ill effects from it. This includes bear droppings and the bear itself.10Health 10 Might 5
BruteFrostGiantYour follower might not be very agile, but they are mighty as few.10Athleticism -3 Might 7
BruteHumanYour follower might not be very agile, but they are mighty as few.10Athleticism -3 Might 5
Brutish StrengthApeYour follower has an exceptional talent for violence.15Might 5
BuckingHoovedYour follower is very nimble and can mitigate incoming damage by moving with the blow.0Stamina 5
CannibalHumanYour follower has a very specific diet that, strangely, has increased their health but decreased their agility.15Athleticism -5 Health 8
Cannibal GiantFrostGiantYour follower eats their foes when defeated. Extra ice on the nuggets, please.15Health 7 Stamina -3
CarnivoreCanineYour follower possesses great strength and even sharper claws.15Might 5
CarnivoreFelineYour follower possesses great strength and even sharper claws.15Might 5
CarnivoreReptileYour follower has a fondness for tearing enemies limb from limb.15Might 5
Carrion EaterArachnidThe innards of your follower can withstand damage much better than normal.0Health 5
Chosen of YmirFrostGiantYour follower has been touched by the gods and granted additional vitality.20Health 10
Claws of SteelThorEquipping Thor with steel-reinforced claws might have been a good idea after all.15Might 15
Coated InnardsBoarThe innards of your follower can withstand damage much better than normal.0Health 5
Cockroach AspectInsectYour follower is quite hardy.0Health 5
Cold, Dead HandsUndeadDeath has done nothing to diminish this followers capacity for violence.10Might 3
Cold-BloodedReptileYour follower cares less about damage than normal due to their thick scales.20Stamina 10
Corrupted BonesUndeadThe corruption of your follower is such that it grants them more vitality.10Health 3
Corrupted HeartUndeadThe corruption of your follower is such that it grants them more vitality.15Health 5
Corrupted SoulUndeadThe corruption of your follower is such that it grants them more vitality.20Health 10
Craggy GrowthsRocknoseYour follower causes tremendous damage with their craggy growths.0Might 5
Craggy GrowthsTurtleYour follower's shell has developed craggy, stonelike growths that grants additional protection from damage.15Stamina 5
CrusherRhinoThe feet of your follower are very powerful and do more damage than normal.20Might 10
CrusherRocknoseThe feet of your follower are very powerful and do more damage than normal.20Might 10
Crushing TrampleHoovedThe extremeties of your follower are very powerful and do more damage than normal.20Might 10
Crystalline VeinsRocknoseYour follower has crystalline growths, granting them increased vitality.0Health 5
Dancing BearBearYour follower is very nimble and can mitigate incoming damage by moving with the blow.0Stamina 5
DeadUndeadSurvival is for the living. Unsurvival is like that but better.10Health 3
DeadeyeHumanYour follower knows how to handle a bow; less so melee weapons.10Might -3 Athleticism 5
DeadeyeUndeadIn life, your follower was an archer - death has not let go of this talent.999Athleticism 10
Demon Spider CarapaceArachnidThe carapace of your follower is thicker than normal, granting additional damage mitigation.20Stamina 10
DomesticatedHoovedYour follower has been bred well and is healthier as a result.20Health 10
DomesticatedRhinoYour follower has been bred well and is healthier as a result.20Health 10
DomesticatedRocknoseYour follower has been bred well and is healthier as a result.20Health 10
Don't Eat That!ApolloApollo has a tendency to eat anything lying on the ground which has given her an improved immune system.20Health 25
Earth ShakerShalebackThe limbs of your follower are very powerful and do more damage than normal.20Might 10
Expert SurvivalistFrostGiantYour follower has foregone strength training in favor of endurance training.10Stamina 5 Might -3
Expert SurvivalistHumanYour follower has foregone strength training in favor of endurance training.10Stamina 5 Might -3
Extra CuteTurtleYour follower is extra cute and the confidence gain has granted them more vitality. Somehow.10Health 3
FearlessReptileYour follower cares less about damage than normal due to their thick scales.10Stamina 3
Feathering the BlowsBirdYour follower is very nimble and can mitigate incoming damage by moving with the blow.0Stamina 5
FeralCanineYour follower has gained tremendous strength compared to its brethren.0Might 5
FeralFelineYour follower has gained tremendous strength compared to its brethren.0Might 5
Fetch!ApolloApollo has played fetch with solid rocks, making her fangs much sharper and increases her bite-force.15Might 10
FiendishUndeadThe bones of your follower are very tough and resistant to damage.0Stamina 5
Fierce VitalityApeA voracious appetite has granted your follower greatly enhanced vitality.15Health 5
Fierce VitalityArachnidFrom surviving countless battles, your follower has gained increased vitality.15Health 5
Fierce VitalityBearA healthy diet and good breeding has granted your follower greatly enhanced vitality.15Health 5
Fierce VitalityBirdA healthy diet and good breeding has granted your follower greatly enhanced vitality.15Health 5
Fierce VitalityBoarA healthy diet and good breeding has granted your follower greatly enhanced vitality.15Health 5
Fierce VitalityCanineA voracious appetite has granted your follower greatly enhanced vitality.15Health 5
Fierce VitalityFelineA voracious appetite has granted your follower greatly enhanced vitality.15Health 5
Fierce VitalityFrostGiantA healthy diet has granted your follower greatly enhanced vitality.15Health 5
Fierce VitalityHoovedA healthy diet and good breeding has granted your follower greatly enhanced vitality.15Health 5
Fierce VitalityHumanA healthy diet and good breeding has granted your follower greatly enhanced vitality.15Health 5
Fierce VitalityInsectFrom surviving countless battles, your follower has gained increased vitality.15Health 5
Fierce VitalityReptileA voracious appetite has granted your follower greatly enhanced vitality.15Health 5
Fierce VitalityRhinoA healthy diet and good breeding has granted your follower greatly enhanced vitality.15Health 5
Fierce VitalityShalebackA healthy diet and good breeding has granted your follower greatly enhanced vitality.15Health 5
Fists of IceFrostGiantYour follower has a natural affinity for lifting things and cracking skulls open in close combat.10Might 3
FitBearA healthy diet and good breeding has granted your follower greatly enhanced vitality.10Health 3
FitBoarA healthy diet and good breeding has granted your follower greatly enhanced vitality.10Health 3
FitCanineA voracious appetite has granted your follower greatly enhanced vitality.10Health 3
FitFelineA voracious appetite has granted your follower greatly enhanced vitality.10Health 3
FitFrostGiantA healthy diet has granted your follower greatly enhanced vitality.10Health 3
FitHoovedA healthy diet and good breeding has granted your follower greatly enhanced vitality.10Health 3
FitHumanA healthy diet and good breeding has granted your follower greatly enhanced vitality.10Health 3
FitReptileA voracious appetite has granted your follower greatly enhanced vitality.10Health 3
FitRhinoA healthy diet and good breeding has granted your follower greatly enhanced vitality.10Health 3
Former ArcherUndeadIn life, your follower was an archer - death has not let go of this talent.999Athleticism 3
Former MarksmanUndeadIn life, your follower was an archer - death has not let go of this talent.999Athleticism 5
Frosty MetabolismFrostGiantYour follower has an increased metabolism providing them with more health and resistance to damage.0Health 3 Stamina 3
FurryKojiKoji further increases her physique and ability to shrug off blows.20Stamina 10 Health 10
Get Over HereReptileYour follower has gained tremendous strength compared to its brethren.0Might 5
Giant MandiblesArachnidThe mandibles of your follower are larger than normal and cause more melee damage.0Might 5
Godly CelerityHumanYour follower was born with exceptional quickness.20Athleticism 10
Godly VigorFrostGiantA healthy diet has granted your follower greatly enhanced vitality.20Health 10
Godly VigorHumanA healthy diet and good breeding has granted your follower greatly enhanced vitality.20Health 10
Goliath LegsArachnidYour follower has unnaturally strong limbs and they know how to use them.20Might 10
GoreBoarYour follower enjoys to gore their opponents. Perhaps a little bit too much.10Might 3
GougeBoarYour follower enjoys to gore their opponents. Perhaps a little bit too much.15Might 5
Grave StrengthUndeadDeath has done nothing to diminish this followers capacity for violence.15Might 5
Great ApeApeYour follower has gained tremendous strength compared to its brethren.0Might 5
Great Bear PhysiqueBearYour follower was born with an iron constitution.20Health 10
Great Hog PhysiqueBoarYour follower was born with an iron constitution.20Health 10
Great Hog's MomentumBoarYour follower is very flexible and can shrug off damage more easily.20Stamina 10
Great OphidianReptileYour follower is quite hardy.0Health 5
Grizzly StrengthBearYour follower has a natural affinity for mauling its opponent.15Might 5
HallowedHumanYour follower has been touched by the gods and granted additional vitality.20Health 15
HardyArachnidYour follower has gained increased vitality from the amount of insects and humans they have eaten.0Health 5
HealthyShalebackA healthy diet and good breeding has granted your follower greatly enhanced vitality.10Health 3
Heart of Black IceFrostGiantYour follower was born with an iron constitution.15Health 5
Heart of IceFrostGiantYour follower was born with an iron constitution.10Health 3
Heart of IronRocknoseIn your follower beats a heart made out of pure iron, increasing their health.15Health 5
Heart of Star MetalRocknoseIn your follower beats a heart made out of pure star metal, increasing their health.20Health 10
Heart of StoneRocknoseIn your follower beats a heart made out of pure stone, increasing their health.10Health 3
Heart of the Black RhinoRhinoA healthy diet and good breeding has granted your follower greatly enhanced vitality.20Health 10
Heart of the RiverShalebackA healthy diet and good breeding has granted your follower greatly enhanced vitality.20Health 10
HeartyReptileYour follower has gained increased vitality.0Health 5
HeartyShalebackYour follower has gained increased vitality.0Health 5
High-StrungFrostGiantYour follower is jittery. As a result, their reflexes has been increased but it's harder for them to endure blows.10Stamina -3 Athleticism 7
High-StrungHumanYour follower is jittery. As a result, their reflexes has been increased but it's harder for them to endure blows.10Stamina -3 Athleticism 5
Hive Queen CarapaceInsectThe carapace of your follower is thicker than normal, granting additional damage mitigation.20Stamina 10
Hulking HogBoarA healthy diet and good breeding has granted your follower greatly enhanced vitality.20Health 10
Ice ShieldFrostGiantYour followers combat training has resulted in increased toughness and vitality.0Stamina 3 Health 3
Immovable ObjectRhinoYour follower has incredibly dense hide and can withstand damage more easily.20Stamina 10
Immovable ObjectRocknoseYour followers stone hide has embedded star metal-veins in it, giving it even further damage mitigation.20Stamina 10
Immovable ObjectShalebackYour follower has incredibly dense hide and can withstand damage more easily.20Stamina 10
Impactful StrikesHoovedThe extremeties of your follower are very powerful and do more damage than normal.10Might 3
Inhuman ToughnessUndeadYour followers bones will not break easily and grant additional damage reduction.20Stamina 10
Internalized AngerTurtleYour follower has internalized their anger, making them incredibly dangerous in combat. Unfortunately - only on the inside.20Might 15
Iron GutsApeYour follower was born with an iron constitution.15Health 5
Iron GutsBearYour follower was born with an iron constitution.15Health 5
Iron GutsBirdYour follower was born with an iron constitution.15Health 5
Iron GutsBoarYour follower was born with an iron constitution.15Health 5
Iron GutsCanineYour follower was born with an iron constitution.15Health 5
Iron GutsFelineYour follower was born with an iron constitution.15Health 5
Iron GutsReptileEating many different things and people has granted your follower enhanced vitality.15Health 5
Iron GutsShalebackYour follower has been bred well and is healthier as a result.15Health 5
Iron GutsTurtleYour follower has been bred well and is healthier as a result.15Health 5
Iron PhysiqueHumanYour follower was born with an iron constitution.20Health 10
Ironstone ArmorRocknoseYour followers stone hide has embedded iron-veins in it, giving it even further damage mitigation.15Stamina 5
Jack of All TradesUniversalYour follower has a set of wide, general skills.0Health 1 Might 1 Stamina 1 Athleticism 1
Jack of All TradesUniversalYour follower has a set of wide, general skills.0Health 2 Might 2 Stamina 2 Athleticism 2
Jump!AriesAries likes to pounce on his prey. And friends. Sometimes he doesn't know which is which.15Stamina 10
Kappa MetabolismShalebackYour follower is quite hardy.0Health 5
Killer DogBrutusPerhaps you should give Brutus to a shelter. That way he would cause less havoc.20Might 15
Law of the JungleApeYour follower is very flexible and can shrug off damage more easily.20Stamina 10
Let go!BrutusBrutus has no intention of letting go.15Might 15
Liquidated AssetUndeadSurvival is for the living. Unsurvival is like that but better.20Health 10
Louse AspectInsectYour follower is very nimble and can mitigate incoming damage by moving with the blow.0Stamina 5
Mantis AspectInsectYour follower has gained tremendous strength compared to its brethren.0Might 5
MaulerBearYour follower has a natural affinity for mauling its opponent.10Might 3
Mean HogBoarYour follower has gained increased vitality and decreased sanity from eating so many mushrooms.0Health 5
Meat WallRhinoYour follower has greatly increased heft and bulk, increasing their health.0Health 5
Might of GiantsHumanYour follower has a natural affinity for lifting things and cracking skulls open in close combat.20Might 10
Might of the Great BearBearYour follower has a natural affinity for mauling its opponent.20Might 10
Might of YmirFrostGiantYour follower has a natural affinity for lifting things and cracking skulls open in close combat.20Might 10
Mighty HornRhinoYour follower causes tremendous damage with their horn.0Might 5
Mighty StrengthShalebackThe limbs of your follower are very powerful and do more damage than normal.15Might 5
Mineral DietRocknoseYour follower has gained increased vitality from eating so many rocks.0Health 5
Nasty PeckerBirdThe beak of your follower has hardened and can cause terrific damage.0Might 5
Natural born SpitterArachnidThe ranged attacks of your follower are particularly effective.20Athleticism 10
Natural born SpitterInsectThe ranged attacks of your follower are particularly effective.20Athleticism 10
NearsightedFrostGiantYour followers aim has deteriorated but their skin hardened from all the bumping into things they do.15Athleticism -3 Stamina 7
NearsightedHumanYour follower's aim has deteriorated but their skin hardened from all the bumping into things they do.15Athleticism -5 Stamina 8
No Internal OrgansUndeadThe internal organs of your follower has been removed, granting them more health.0Health 5
OmnivoreApeYour follower was born with an iron constitution.10Health 3
OmnivoreBearYour follower was born with an iron constitution.10Health 3
OmnivoreBirdYour follower was born with an iron constitution.10Health 3
OmnivoreBoarYour follower was born with an iron constitution.10Health 3
OmnivoreInsectEating many different things and people has granted your follower enhanced vitality.10Health 3
OmnivoreShalebackYour follower has been bred well and is healthier as a result.10Health 3
PerseveranceHumanYour follower was born with an iron constitution.10Health 3
Petrified ArmorRocknoseYour followers stone hide has petrified granting it even further damage mitigation.10Stamina 3
Play Dead!SigridSigrid gains an enormous resistance to damage from eating so many of her victims. Unfortunately, that has taken a toll on her health.10Health -2 Stamina 25
PlayfulCanineYour follower is very nimble and can mitigate incoming damage by moving with the blow.0Stamina 5
PlayfulFelineYour follower is very nimble and can mitigate incoming damage by moving with the blow.0Stamina 5
Powerful LimbsHoovedYour follower has gained tremendous strength compared to its brethren.0Might 5
Powerful LimbsShalebackThe limbs of your follower are very powerful and do more damage than normal.10Might 3
PreenedBirdA healthy diet and good breeding has granted your follower greatly enhanced vitality.10Health 3
Primal InstinctsApeYour follower was born with an iron constitution.20Health 10
Primal ResistanceApeYour follower is quite hardy.0Health 5
Primal ResistanceBearYour follower is quite hardy.0Health 5
Primal ResistanceCanineYour follower is quite hardy.0Health 5
Primal ResistanceFelineYour follower is quite hardy.0Health 5
Primal ResistanceHoovedYour follower is quite hardy.0Health 5
Primal VitalityApeA voracious appetite has granted your follower greatly enhanced vitality.10Health 3
QuickHumanYour follower was born with exceptional quickness.10Athleticism 3
Quick ReflexesApeYour follower is very flexible and can shrug off damage more easily.15Stamina 5
Quick ReflexesBearYour follower is very flexible and can shrug off damage more easily.15Stamina 5
Quick ReflexesBirdYour follower is very flexible and can shrug off damage more easily.15Stamina 5
Quick ReflexesBoarYour follower is very flexible and can shrug off damage more easily.15Stamina 5
Quick ReflexesCanineYour follower is very flexible and can shrug off damage more easily.15Stamina 5
Quick ReflexesFelineYour follower is very flexible and can shrug off damage more easily.15Stamina 5
Quick ReflexesHoovedYour follower is very flexible and can shrug off damage more easily.15Stamina 5
Quick ReflexesHumanYour follower is very flexible and can shrug off damage more easily.15Stamina 5
Rabid VengeanceOskarOskar will not put up with this anymore. After being viciously mauled, stung by bees, having rocks thrown at him and once peed on by a rabbit, Oskar has now had just about enough.20Might 15 Health 5
Raging StrengthApeYour follower has an exceptional talent for violence.20Might 10
RavenousArachnidEating many different things and people has granted your follower enhanced vitality.10Health 3
RazorbackBoarYour follower causes tremendous damage with their tusks.0Might 5
Red RageShalebackYour follower has gained tremendous strength compared to its brethren.0Might 5
RedeemedHumanYour follower has been touched by the gods and granted additional vitality.15Health 15
Reinforced CarapaceArachnidThe carapace of your follower is thicker than normal, granting additional damage mitigation.15Stamina 5
Reinforced CarapaceInsectThe carapace of your follower is thicker than normal, granting additional damage mitigation.15Stamina 5
RelentlessHumanYour follower is incredibly tough and stubborn, granting them high vitality and a resistance to knockout effects.0Health 5
RelentlessUndeadYour follower will not easily stop fighting and their increased vitality certainly helps with that.0Health 5
Reptile ReflexesReptileYour follower is very nimble and can mitigate incoming damage by moving with the blow.0Stamina 5
Resourceful SkulkerHumanA congenital weakness has risen to the surface, weakening your thrall but hardening their constitution.15Might -5 Health 8
Right to Bear ArmsBearYour follower has gained tremendous strength compared to its brethren.0Might 5
RobustFrostGiantYour follower is especially sturdy. This bulk has however reduced their nimbleness.10Athleticism -3 Health 7
RobustHumanYour follower is especially sturdy. This bulk has however reduced their nimbleness.10Athleticism -3 Health 5
Rock HardRocknoseThe stones of your follower are very tough and resistant to damage.0Stamina 5
Rock HardTurtleThe stones of your follower are very tough and resistant to damage.10Stamina 3
Roll with the BlowsFrostGiantYour follower is very flexible and can shrug off damage more easily.20Stamina 10
Roll with the BlowsHumanYour follower is very flexible and can shrug off damage more easily.20Stamina 10
Roll!ApolloApollo gains tremendous agility, allowing her to dodge incoming attacks more easily and thus increasing her armor.10Stamina 25
Rot EaterArachnidEating many different things and people has granted your follower enhanced vitality.20Health 10
Rot EaterInsectEating many different things and people has granted your follower enhanced vitality.20Health 10
Rough and TumbleRhinoYour follower is able to roll with the blows, granting them increased damage mitigation.0Stamina 5
Rough n TumbleAriesAries likes rough play - not always appreciated by his fellow playmates.10Health 5 Might 5
ScavengerCanineYour follower was born with an iron constitution.10Health 3
ScavengerFelineYour follower was born with an iron constitution.10Health 3
ScavengerReptileEating many different things and people has granted your follower enhanced vitality.10Health 3
Sharp ClawsCanineYour follower possesses great strength and even sharper claws.10Might 3
Sharp ClawsFelineYour follower possesses great strength and even sharper claws.10Might 3
Shifting ShellShalebackThe shell of your follower moves with incoming blows, mitigating damage somewhat.0Stamina 5
Sic'Em!SigridSigrid gains additional melee damage as well as resistance to damage.20Stamina 10 Might 5
Silverback's VigorApeA voracious appetite has granted your follower greatly enhanced vitality.20Health 10
Sinewy SimianApeYour follower is very nimble and can mitigate incoming damage by moving with the blow.0Stamina 5
Sit!SigridSigrid is a very well-behaved girl, except for when she isn't - which is most of the time. Sigrid gains additional melee damage.15Might 10
Skittering HorrorArachnidYour follower is very nimble and can mitigate incoming damage by moving with the blow.0Stamina 5
SlaughtererInsectYour follower has unnaturally strong limbs and they know how to use them.15Might 5
Soulless StrengthUndeadThe strength of your follower has increased, despite the lack of muscles.0Might 5
Speed of the Great BearBearYour follower is very flexible and can shrug off damage more easily.20Stamina 10
Stomach AcidArachnidEating many different things and people has granted your follower enhanced vitality.15Health 5
Stomach AcidInsectEating many different things and people has granted your follower enhanced vitality.15Health 5
Stone LimbsRhinoThe limbs of your follower are very powerful and do more damage than normal.10Might 3
Stone-FootedRocknoseThe feet of your follower are very powerful and do more damage than normal.10Might 3
Stop it!BrutusBrutus gains additional damage as his lust for murder increases.10Might 15
Strength of an ImmortalUndeadDeath has done nothing to diminish this followers capacity for violence.20Might 10
Strong ArmsApeYour follower has an exceptional talent for violence.10Might 3
Strong ArmsHumanYour follower has a natural affinity for lifting things and cracking skulls open in close combat.10Might 3
Strong LegsArachnidYour follower has unnaturally strong limbs and they know how to use them.10Might 3
SturdyArachnidFrom surviving countless battles, your follower has gained increased vitality.10Health 3
SturdyInsectFrom surviving countless battles, your follower has gained increased vitality.10Health 3
SturdyKojiKoji is a big boy and well-fed and is able to shrug off most attacks as mere glancing blows.15Health 10 Stamina 5
Sturdy BonesUndeadYour followers bones will not break easily and grant additional damage reduction.10Stamina 3
Supernatural AimUndeadYour follower has an eye-socket for causing damage with a bow.999Athleticism 5
Survival InstinctsCanineYour follower was born with an iron constitution.20Health 10
Survival InstinctsFelineYour follower was born with an iron constitution.20Health 10
Survival InstinctsShalebackYour follower has been bred well and is healthier as a result.20Health 10
Survival InstinctsTurtleYour follower has been bred well and is healthier as a result.20Health 10
SwaggerBoarYour follower has a certain swagger about them. This allows them to mitigate incoming damage better.0Stamina 5
TamedHoovedYour follower has been bred well and is healthier as a result.10Health 3
TamedRhinoYour follower has been bred well and is healthier as a result.10Health 3
TamedRocknoseYour follower has been bred well and is healthier as a result.10Health 3
Terrapin TerrorTurtleYour follower has been granted both increased health and survival instincts.20Health 5 Metabolism 5
Terror-BirdBirdYour follower has a very sharp beak and instincts going back millenia for how to use it.20Might 10
Thick CarapaceArachnidThe carapace of your follower is thicker than normal, granting additional damage mitigation.10Stamina 3
Thick CarapaceInsectThe carapace of your follower is thicker than normal, granting additional damage mitigation.10Stamina 3
Thick HideRhinoYour follower has incredibly dense hide and can withstand damage more easily.15Stamina 5
Thick HideShalebackYour follower has incredibly dense hide and can withstand damage more easily.15Stamina 5
Thick SkinReptileYour follower cares less about damage than normal due to their thick scales.15Stamina 5
Thick SkullFrostGiantYour follower can withstand a lot of damage thanks to their thick skull.0Stamina 3
Thick SkullHumanYour follower can withstand a lot of damage thanks to their thick skull.0Health 3 Stamina 3
Toothy GrinReptileYour follower has a fondness for tearing enemies limb from limb.10Might 3
TrainedHoovedYour follower has been bred well and is healthier as a result.15Health 5
TrainedRhinoYour follower has been bred well and is healthier as a result.15Health 5
TrainedRocknoseYour follower has been bred well and is healthier as a result.15Health 5
TramplerHoovedThe extremeties of your follower are very powerful and do more damage than normal.15Might 5
Tundra TravelerFrostGiantLiving in the cold regions of the Exiled lands has hardened your follower, granting them increased vitality and agility.0Health 3 Athleticism 3
Tusks of the Great HogBoarYour follower enjoys to gore their opponents. Perhaps a little bit too much.20Might 10
Unflappable PhysiqueBirdYour follower was born with an iron constitution.20Health 10
UnflinchingApeYour follower is very flexible and can shrug off damage more easily.10Stamina 3
UnflinchingBearYour follower is very flexible and can shrug off damage more easily.10Stamina 3
UnflinchingBirdYour follower is very flexible and can shrug off damage more easily.10Stamina 3
UnflinchingBoarYour follower is very flexible and can shrug off damage more easily.10Stamina 3
UnflinchingCanineYour follower is very flexible and can shrug off damage more easily.10Stamina 3
UnflinchingFelineYour follower is very flexible and can shrug off damage more easily.10Stamina 3
UnflinchingHoovedYour follower is very flexible and can shrug off damage more easily.10Stamina 3
UnflinchingHumanYour follower is very flexible and can shrug off damage more easily.10Stamina 3
UnflinchingRhinoYour follower is very flexible and can shrug off damage more easily.10Stamina 3
UnflinchingShalebackYour follower is very flexible and can shrug off damage more easily.10Stamina 3
Universal WarriorUniversalYour follower has a set of wide, general skills.0Health 3 Might 3 Stamina 3 Athleticism 3
Unnatural DexterityHumanYour follower was born with exceptional quickness.15Athleticism 5
Unstoppable ForceRhinoThe limbs of your follower are very powerful and do more damage than normal.15Might 5
Unstoppable ForceRocknoseThe feet of your follower are very powerful and do more damage than normal.15Might 5
VanguardHumanYour followers combat training has resulted in increased agility and vitality.0Health 3 Athleticism 3
Venom SpewerArachnidYour followers venom spit is very accurate.0Athleticism 5
Venomous SpittleArachnidThe ranged attacks of your follower are particularly effective.10Athleticism 3
Venomous SpittleInsectThe ranged attacks of your follower are particularly effective.10Athleticism 3
Vigor of Atlach-NachaArachnidFrom surviving countless battles, your follower has gained increased vitality.20Health 10
Vigor of JhilBirdA healthy diet and good breeding has granted your follower greatly enhanced vitality.20Health 10
Vigor of the Great BearBearA healthy diet and good breeding has granted your follower greatly enhanced vitality.20Health 10
Vigor of the Hive QueenInsectFrom surviving countless battles, your follower has gained increased vitality.20Health 10
Vigor of the Wild KingHoovedA healthy diet and good breeding has granted your follower greatly enhanced vitality.20Health 10
Voracious AppetiteReptileEating many different things and people has granted your follower enhanced vitality.20Health 10
Vulture InnardsBirdThe innards of your follower can withstand damage much better than normal.0Health 5
WardenHumanYour follower knows how to aim for weak spots but such training comes at the cost of some bulk.15Health -5 Athleticism 8
Warrior DroneInsectYour follower has unnaturally strong limbs and they know how to use them.10Might 3
Well GroomedApeYour follower has gained increased vitality from a healthy lifestyle.0Health 5
Well GroomedBearYour follower has gained increased vitality from a healthy lifestyle.0Health 5
Well GroomedCanineYour follower has gained increased vitality from a healthy lifestyle.0Health 5
Well GroomedFelineYour follower has gained increased vitality from a healthy lifestyle.0Health 5
Well GroomedHoovedYour follower has gained increased vitality from a healthy lifestyle.0Health 5
Wild SwiftnessCanineYour follower is very flexible and can shrug off damage more easily.20Stamina 10
Wild SwiftnessFelineYour follower is very flexible and can shrug off damage more easily.20Stamina 10
Wild SwiftnessHoovedYour follower is very flexible and can shrug off damage more easily.20Stamina 10
Winged HorrorBirdYour follower has a very sharp beak and instincts going back millenia for how to use it.15Might 5
Wolf-kinThorThor has wolf-blood running through his veins - and it shows. His fangs are abnormally long and his blood-lust is also a hint of his lineage.10Might 10 Stamina 5 Health 5
Ymir's ResistanceFrostGiantYour follower was born with an iron constitution.20Health 10

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