Bush Jerky 18214 Consumable Salted Strips of feral meat dried and salted Egg Surprise 18256 Consumable Salted A delicious looking egg... Mixed Meat Scraps 18282 Consumable Salted Cooked strips of succulent meat Salted Berries 18259 Consumable Salted A small snack both savory and sweet Salted Exquisite Meat 18287 Consumable Salted Agility Weapon Damage +{0}% A salted piece of meat with perfect texture Salted Pork 18283 Consumable Salted Strength Weapon Damage +{0}% Salt and fat in a succulent combination Savory Jerky 18232 Consumable Salted Health +{0} Strips of succulent meat dried and salted Trail Jerky 18229 Consumable Salted Armor +{0} Strips of exotic meat dried and salted Total Listed: 8 (250 max) |