Conan Exiles Insatiable Item Database
Abyssal Arrow 43002 Weapon Ammunition
Damage Health 33 Armor Pen 0.189000
Projectile Insatiable
Arrows to accompany the abyssal bow. Abyssal Boots 43008 Armor
Armor 100
Light Armor Insatiable
A pair of boots adorned with sigils from the Abyss. Abyssal Bow 43001 Weapon TwoHanded_Ranged BowDamage Health 33 Armor Pen 0.094500
Weapon Insatiable
A terrifying weapon bestowed upon its wielder by a mysterious denizen of the abyss. Abyssal Gloves 43007 Armor
Armor 100
Light Armor Insatiable
An ancient and fearsome set of armor forged in the abyssal realm and bestowed upon its wearer by a demonic entity. Abyssal Helm 43004 Armor
Armor 200
Light Armor Insatiable
A summoned helm adorned with sigils from the Abyss. Abyssal Leggings 43006 Armor
Armor 250
Light Armor Insatiable
A pair of leggings adorned with sigils from the Abyss. Abyssal Mail 43005 Armor
Armor 350
Light Armor Insatiable
A shirt of summoned mail adorned with sigils from the Abyss. Abyssal Maul 43003 Weapon TwoHanded Mace2HDamage Health 85 Armor Pen 0.472500
Weapon Insatiable
A two-handed maul gifted to its wielder by a demon, with the agreement that blood WILL be spilled with it. | | Total Listed: 8 | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
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