Conan Exiles Gas Protection Item Database
Commander's Helmet 92110 Armor
Armor 143
Legendary Medium Armor Gas Protection
A plumed helmet favoured by the guardsmen of Aquilonia Sandstorm Breathing Mask 52081 Armor
Armor 6
Light Armor Gas Protection
A mask that filters out the sandstorm debris Setite Mask 52501 Armor
Armor 18
Hallowed Light Armor Gas Protection
A mask worn by devotees of Set xxx_Yoggite Chosen Mask_Surge 92283 Armor
Armor 100
High Grade Armor Gas Protection
xxx_Yoggite Chosen Mask_Surge 92289 Armor
Armor 100
High Grade Armor Gas Protection
Yoggite Chosen Mask 52510 Armor
Armor 16
Light Armor Gas Protection
A ritual mask used by Yoggite warriors | | Total Listed: 6 | | | | | | | | | |
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