Baal-pteor's Lodestone 51554 Weapon TwoHanded Mace2H Damage Stamina 30 Armor Pen 0.472500 Legendary Weapon Sunder Concussive A hammer that weighs nothing Blunted Arrow 51103 Weapon Ammunition Damage Stamina 3 Armor Pen 0.108000 Projectile Concussive A blunted arrow for taking down enemies at range Blunted Bolts 51104 Weapon Ammunition Damage Stamina 3 Armor Pen 0.108000 Projectile Concussive A blunted bolt for taking down enemies at range Blunted Javelin 51102 Weapon OneHanded Spear Damage Stamina 3 Armor Pen 0.162000 Weapon Throwing Concussive A blunted javelin for knocking out foes Coup de Grace 24118 Weapon OneHanded Mace Damage Stamina 18 Legendary Tool Concussive Coup De Grace An implement for battering people's skulls in Elixir of Sight 18289 Consumable Elixir Concussive Damage +{0}% This brew grants the drinker improved concussive damage output. Heavy-weight Truncheon 51298 Weapon OneHanded Mace Damage Stamina 18 Tool Concussive A weighted club for knocking out foes Hunter's Potion 18305 Consumable Elixir Concussive Damage +{0}% This brew grants the drinker greatly improved concussive damage output. Iron Truncheon 51306 Weapon OneHanded Mace Damage Stamina 12 Tool Concussive A weighted club for knocking out foes Lovetap 51547 Weapon OneHanded Mace Damage Stamina 10 Legendary Weapon Shieldsmash Concussive A club that refuses to kill Prince of the Black shores 18037 Consumable Elixir Concussive Damage +{0}% A manuscript written by the Archivist himself Reinforced Steel Truncheon 51299 Weapon OneHanded Mace Damage Stamina 18 Tool Concussive A weighted club for knocking out foes Savory Feast 18208 Consumable Feast Concussive Damage +{0}% Heaps and heaps of glorious meat Staff of Hanuman 51448 Weapon TwoHanded Spear2H Damage Stamina 10 Armor Pen 0.099000 Legendary Weapon Reach Concussive A powerful pike Steel Truncheon 51307 Weapon OneHanded Mace Damage Stamina 15 Tool Concussive A weighted club for knocking out foes Szeth's Truncheon 51317 Weapon OneHanded Mace Damage Stamina 18 Tool Concussive A weighted club for knocking out foes The Wyrd 51604 Weapon OneHanded Mace Damage Stamina 20 Armor Pen 0.297000 Legendary Weapon Shieldsmash Concussive An inconspicuously primitive mace Truncheon 51303 Weapon OneHanded Mace Damage Stamina 10 Tool Concussive A weighted club for knocking out foes Universal Mace 24044 Weapon OneHanded Mace Damage Stamina 1 Armor Pen 0.216000 Weapon Shieldsmash Concussive An ancient weapon Universal Mace 24188 Weapon OneHanded Mace Damage Stamina 1 Armor Pen 0.216000 Weapon Shieldsmash Concussive An ancient weapon Voidforge Mace 50573 Weapon OneHanded Mace Armor Pen 0.216000 Weapon Shieldsmash Concussive An ancient and highly-advanced mace marked with the heraldry of a long-lost empire. XX_AdminTruncheon 51214 Weapon OneHanded Mace Legendary Tool Concussive Total Listed: 22 (250 max) |